Chapter Sixteen: On the Grounds

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Do I really need to explain?
I really hope not...
NEW FONT! Bold and Italics=Emphasis or noise

Flash's POV

As we walk into Avenger's Tower, I immediately feel like I'm home. Jasmine's family pretty much raised me. My family was never much of, well, a family.


I smile "Thor! Hey man, it's been awhile!"

I glance down and see he's holding a box of pop-tarts. Jasmine catches it. "Sometime in the last two years, Thor has developed a Pop-tart obsession..."

"Oh quit it, Jasmine" he lowers down to my level "they all seem to think i have some sort of 'pop-tart obsession', but I don't. I really don't. they're crazy. all of them"


"What. Was. That." I demand

Jasmine and Thor laugh at me "That's either Bruce throwing a tantrum or Nat fighting someone"

"try both" I turn around to see who spoke. Vision had walked through a wall. No surprise there "it seems as though Mr. Banner has, well, turned into 'The Hulk'" he said, making air quotes "And Miss Romanoff has decided to, well, try and calm him down"

Jasmine groans "Calm him down?! No. She wants a fight and she's bored. Hey Flash?" she turns to me "are you game for watching a three-way-fight?"

"Four!" Thor says

"Fine. A four-way-fight?"

I grin "Just don't loose"

We make our way to the elevator

"Weaklings!" Thor calls "true warriors take stairs, and prove themselves worthy!"

We both roll our eyes "Have fun with that!" I call. Jasmine smirks "Don't let the snakes get you!"

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.-" Jasmine doesn't even have to finish her sentence and the elevator is already going down. 

I decide to be bold and grab her hand. To my surprise, she doesn't flinch or pull away, she just holds my hand. It's nice.

Soon, we get to the floor where all the noise is coming from...

Jasmine's POV


"Shit...That's Bruce" I mutter.

Flash and I bolt down the hallway to the lab. I fling open the door and sure enough: there's Bruce, having a tantrum.

I turn to Flash "This won't take long. I assume you remember where my room is?" he nods "Okay. Go up there and i'll be up in 15 minutes to a half hour. Longest it will be is an hour" i say, and start to turn away

he grabs my arm "hey. be careful..."

i laugh "i do this like four times a week" and run towards the action.

"Nat! We need to get him outside. I'll get my suit on!" she nods and opens the big door. Bruce, or Hulk, or whatever he is, runs to the open door onto the grounds.

Peter Parker x OC: Secrets (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now