Chapter Eight: Daddy-O (Part Two) (EDITED)

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Jumping into a bush was apparently not the most rational decision.

I say this because Peter went out of his way to check the bush I jumped in.

His face peered at me over the shrubbery.


"Um, yeah," I replied, no doubt covered in sticks and leaves, "That is unfortunately me."

"Why are you in a bush?"

"You know...just uh, just getting in touch with nature."

He gave me a skeptical look and offered his hand to me. I took it and stood up from my spot in the dirt.

He reached towards my face and my brain went into fight or flight mode. Adrenaline rushed through me as I prepared to defend myself against-

Wait...What was he doing?


He plucked a stick out of my hair. How long had that been there?

"So, do you have an actual reason you were laying in central park shrubbery?" Peter asked me. He had an amused smile on his face and his brown eyes were shining in the sun. His usual dark curls looked like a latte with the light shining through-

Oh. My. God.

Why was I noticing these things about him?

Yes, he was cute.

But he was normal. And I was...



"I told you, I'm getting into touch with nature!" I insisted.

Something told me that he didn't believe me.

"Uh-huh...anyways," he said, sliding over the strange topic, "Are you on your way to the tower?"

"Uh...Yes!" I said, probably a little too enthusiastically, "Yes. That is exactly where I'm going."

He offered for me to walk with him, talking about a new project he wanted to work on with my dad. I listened, adding suggestions or critiques when due. To someone on the outside, we looked like two nerds talking about things that don't make sense.

When we got to the tower, I said goodbye, then ran back out the door. Peter gave me a weird look, but security didn't bug me when I passed, so he didn't follow.

I ran to the back and put my suit back on, flying to the hangar and landing there so I didn't raise suspicion. My dad had made it abundantly clear that I wasn't supposed to show my face outside the tower.

I landed behind a jet and took my suit off, tucking it into my pocket. Rounding the corner, I ran into my dad.

"Hey, Sparky," He said and ruffled my hair, "How was patrol?"

I huffed and flattened my hair when I felt a stick. And then another. And then another. I was about to get caught.

"Good, besides running into a tree," I said

"How did you get...all your hair?"

"I uh-" crap, "I had to take my mask down. It was too hot. You know?"

"Your suit is equipped with air conditioning, Jasmine. Are you lying to me?"

"Dad, seriously? Where am I going to go? I didn't even know it had air conditioning. It won't happen again."

He nodded, then pulled me into a hug.

"You have no idea how proud I am of you, Sparky," He mumbled as he kissed the top of my head.

And for a moment, I almost felt guilty.


A/N: I don't even know where to start...this was an extremely difficult chapter to write and it probably took the longest too, but I loveeeeed it! What do you want to see in chapter nine? And again, to the few people who read this fic: THANK YOU!

Until next time,

Word count: 767 words

Edited A/N: I edited two chapters in one day! Woooo!!!

I actually love this dynamic so much more than what they originally had. The old dynamic was angsty and problematic but Jas and her dad now are just🥹🥹 i love it so much.

anyways guys, thanks so much for sticking with me, and i'm sorry this chapter lost almost 100 words.

quality over quantity, right?😬

all my love,

Word count: 673 words

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