Chapter Twelve: Well Then

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i think you know the drill about italics?

Peter's POV

Jasmine walks out of the room towards another elevator. I watch her as she stumbles twice over nothing. I force back a laugh and turn to Mr. Stark. "So" he says "you and Pepper's assistant, huh?" my eyes widen "NO! Definitely not. There is NOTHING between us!" I say nervously. He eyes me suspiciously "Uh-Huh...Walk with me" He repeats as he steps into the elevator and hits the lounge floor button.

time skip cause i'm not writing the whole elevator ride

"So" he begins "you got stuck in the elevator. With my wife's assistant. Alone. Together. For the whole night." I look at him "...yes"
"does she know?" he asked
"know what?" i said, confused
"that you're spiderman?"
"what?! No! l know I'm not allowed to tell anyone. It could put them in danger!"
"good. I don't want her getting hurt" Huh? I knew she was important to the company, but this doesn't seem like something business-related... I don't know. Honestly I'm going crazy. "Peter. Peter! PETER!" I hear Mr. Stark calling. I must have zoned out. "Oh....sorry Mr. Stark. I guess I zoned out" he rolls his eyes "Jesus. That's two people in the last 24 hours. What the hell? Cant anyone pay attention for two seconds?" he mutters so low I can barely hear him. "What was that, Mr. Stark?" I ask he looks up, cheeks red. He didn't realize I could hear him "oh...uh.....nothing." he says with a smile "Let's go to the balcony"

Time skip cause No❤️

We arrive at the balcony and I follow Mr. Stark out of the elevator. he seems...mad? No. Agitated? No. Annoyed? Maybe... We sit in silence for a few minutes. Finally he speaks up "Peter. Make sure nothing happens to Jasmine. She's vital to the company. She's Pepper's eyes and ears for everything and basically runs the company with Pepper. I can't loose her" I nod, understanding "Yes Mr. Stark. Nothing will happen to her. I'll protect her at all costs. She is now my number one priority. Anything else?" he looks at me "yes, actually there is. I'm assigning you a...partner... You will work with them and you will not ask any questions about who they are and why they're there. Understood?" I sigh "yes, Mr. Stark."
"good. now, I need to go have a chat with Jasmine. You may stay at the tower if you'd like, otherwise I can have Happy escort you home."
"Okay Mr. Stark. Thank you"
"No problem, Kid" he says, and with that he walks back to the elevator

A/N: okay so this was a little different. the whole chapter was written in Peter's POV. i really don't have much to say about this chapter soooo yeah. have a nice day!

peace out

Word count: 483 words

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