Chapter Nine: The Intern (EDITED)

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I walked with dad through the hallway towards the elevator. On the other side of the door was Peter.

"Hey, Kid," Dad greeted him.

"Hey Mr. Stark, hi Jasmine."

"Hi," I greeted, then made a shushing motion behind my dad's back, hoping he got the memo to not say anything about me being outside.

He subtly nodded and I silently thanked God.

"Hey, why don't you two work together on that new project?" Dad suggested, "I've been telling Jasmine she needs to make more friends."

The look on my face must have been outrageous, because Peter bursted into laughter.

"You're lonely, Sparky."

My jaw dropped, "I am not."

"Anyways," Peter interjected, "Are you sure you want us to work on it? I mean, I'm seventeen, and she can't be much older."

"I trust Sparky's opinion more than my own some days. I have full confidence that you guys can do it together."

Me? Working together? What, did he think that I couldn't do it by myself? This wasn't an opportunity, it was an insult. I couldn't believe he could ever think-


Oh God.

Peter looked over at me, smiling softly.

No! Bad Jasmine. Don't let the pretty boy distract you from your work!

But he was cute.

"So, to the lab?" Peter asked.

I looked at dad, silently asking permission to bring him to my lab. He shook his head no.


First he's doubting my abilities and second he's not even letting me use my own facilities?

"Yeah. Let's go," I said and trudged off, Peter following in my wake.

He closed the door behind us. The wall it was on was completely made of glass. Three of my four walls were glass and my lab was much bigger than this one, but it would have to do.

I began pulling up a hologram of a blueprint I designed while playing around. My dad mentioned it to me awhile ago, but I hadn't been a part of the project then. I just played around.

"What we're making here is a combination of two metals, iron and vibranium. Though vibranium is the strongest metal on Earth, it's incredibly rare. That's why we combine it with iron. Iron is a watered-down version of vibranium and can be used to "stretch" it. Think of it like making kool-aid." I said.

"Did you just compare making military-grade equipment to kool-aid?" He asked me.

"Yup," I replied as I typed.

The project was to create eight spikes that flexed and moved at will for Spider-Man. They were supposed to resemble legs, like a spider.

I thought it was tacky, but went along with it.

"I'll be honest with you, I'm not Spidey's biggest fan. I've seen him around here and he seems...I don't know...cocky. Does that make sense?"

"Well...maybe he was having a bad day," Peter insisted. I found it strange how he immediately jumped on the defense.

"Maybe," I replied, not in the mood for an argument, "This is the blueprint I came up with. They contract easily and will only add about a pound of extra weight to his back. Unfortunately, That means we'll have to either extend the back of his suit to make room for them, or find a way to somehow flatten and contract. The first option is the most probable, but it will decrease his aerodynamic abilities."

Peter just stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Where do you go to school?" Peter asked me.

"I don't. I'm homeschooled here."

"How did you manage that?"

"My parents are great friends with the Starks," I replied.

"Where are you going to college?"

"Honestly, I probably won't go at all and will just work here straight off the bat."

"With no degree?"

"Working with Tony is a better education than a degree anyways."

"You could go for engineering, or technological science, or AI could do literally anything you want, Jasmine," He said.

"And yet, this is what I want," I said, it was almost snappy.

"Okay, okay," He put his hands up in surrender, "I was just saying."

"I know. It's just...ever since I was little, this has been my future. I was always supposed to work here. I basically run the place as it is, and I just-" I took a deep breath, "This is all I know. This is all that I will ever know. And it's comfortable. The idea of anything else scares me."

He nodded, "I can understand that. Listen, if you ever want to see anything else, I uh- I could show you."

I smiled softly, "Thanks."

A/N: I know I knowwww! These chapters are BORINGGGGG! But I'm trying to find stuff to write about. But guess what! *no response* oh yeah...I still don't have any reads lol...oh well:) anyway, the next chapter is gonna be some girl time with Nat and Wanda:)

Until next time,

Word count: 334 words

Updated A/N: guys. this chapter gained like five hundred words. so proud of myself.

i was really trying to keep the plot similar, but i just couldn't. the original plot was so bad😭 not to MENTION the writing oh my LORD.

anyways, thanks for sticking with me this long.

all my love,

updated word count: 892 words

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