Chapter Twenty-One: Frickin Apex

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Hi so i'm changing the story to past tense so i don't confuse myself because i'm writing another fic right now in past tense and writing in two different ways confuses me and the people who read my stories

I flew to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, thinking about May Parker and Michelle Jones. The two people seemed like such strong, powerful women. Although, something was bugging me: May seemed so sad under her strong disguise. Its heartbreaking, really. The fact that so many people struggle with depression, and yet they put up with it. They put on a brave face and take the world by storm. I've witnessed this first hand with my parents, Clint, Bruce, Fury, Gamora, Wanda, Natasha, and so many others. They're sad, traumatized, and tired, yet they still care for me, each other, and their families. I wish that it was easier. I wish that this world wasn't so hard. My family is tearing at the seams, and yet, they put on a brave face. For my sake, their own, and in hopes to keep our family together. Normally, it's perfect harmony, but lately, we've all been short with each other, angry, unforgiving, and overall, imperfect. No ones perfect, but our family was pretty darn close.

As I landed on the helipad, Aunt Carol and Uncle Fury were emerging from the staircase. Aunt Carol wordlessly hugged Fury and walked to me, tears in her eyes. We took off and flew to Avengers Tower. She walked me up to my room and proceeded to her own.

I checked my phone to see a missed call from Flash, and just about a dozen text messages from Peter. I texted him back saying that I wasn't going to be at school this week because a family member was in town, and called Flash and told him the same thing.

After hanging up the phone, I decided to sleep for a few hours, then I'd train with Nat or play with my powers in my room.

Oh wait, you really thought I'd go to sleep? HAH that's a joke! I TOLD people I was gonna sleep. What did I really do? I drew plans and made prototypes of suits, duh!

I was on my phone for a bit and then decided to leave. After leaving a note that I was going to one of the mansions, and that I'd be back later. I left a separate note in my Aunt Carol's room telling her what I was doing and to come to London and find Stark Mansion.

I have absolutely no idea if tony has a mansion in london but we're j gonna pretend he does

The reason why I chose the London Mansion is because my dad pretty much forgot about it. You could go up to him and ask about it and he'd either ignore you or look at you like you're crazy.

What my dad doesn't know, is that I've been ordering state-of-the-art technology to keep the lab there up to date. I also plan on installing Tony there instead of F.R.I.D.A.Y. because my dad has access to her. With Tony, my dad has absolutely no idea what goes on in his system. It's awesome.

I walked to the very top floor and checked my phone. 6:00am. I hadn't slept in over 24 hours, but it's fine, I'll just go and stop for coffee or something.

I put my suit on the normal way and then took off. As I flew, I played some music. It was sad music, but nonetheless, music.

I decided to go get something at a starbucks. I spotted one, and flew behind it to take off my suit, then walked into the building.

There was a bit of a line, but I didn't mind waiting.

Finally, twenty minutes later, it was my turn to order.

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