Chapter Three: Daddy-o (EDITED)

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I followed my dad to his office, the route from the lab to the office was one I knew well, I could navigate it in my sleep.

He closed the door behind us and sat behind the desk, me on the opposite side. We've had many "meetings" like this, normally when I've done something wrong, or there's something he needs to tell me in private.

"What happened?" He asked me, his eyes kind instead of stern, my favorite brown eyes, the ones that made me feel safer than any suit of armor ever would.

"I finished studying, so I decided to spend some time in the lab," I started

"Like you do every day."

"Yes, like I do every day. I was gathering what I needed, because I put it all away last night. My hands were full, and I dropped a wrench onto whatever new suit I just dented. I'm sorry..."

He nodded, "I'm not mad, Jas. This is just..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Just a setback."

I looked down, "I'll rebuild it."

"You don't need to."

"Yes but I damaged something that is clearly important. I'm not going to wreck things and leave a mess."

He offered a small smile, "You're my daughter, through and through."

I also smiled. My dad was my favorite person. Hearing him say those things was my entire world.

"Speaking of which, I have a new development for you in my private lab. Would you like to see it?"

"For me?"

I had only seen his lab maybe twice in my life. Once when my mom was telling him to come eat dinner, and once when he was upset over my grandma and grandpa's death.

He nodded, standing up. I followed suit, and we stepped out of the office together.

The lab was state-of-the art, with the finest equipment money could buy. It made the one I use look like a child's play set.

The gasp that came from my lips was audible, because standing in front of me was a brand new suit, one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. I could only dream of the things it was equipped with, my imagination running wild.

"This is yours," He said with a smile.

I turned to look at him, awestruck: "Mine?"

"I think it's about time you're recruited, don't you think?"

"'re saying I can be on the team?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.

He nodded.

Then he fell. I tackled him. In my defense, it was supposed to be a hug.

Original A/N: yeah I know, this chapter was kinda badly written and is a bit pointless, but nevertheless it was fun writing! Please please pleaseeeee leave a review!

Edited A/N: i'm doing my best to keep the storyline similar to the original, but i also cringe every time i read this damn book😭. anyways, this is the recruitment story. i've decided that as of now, jas doesn't have powers. does that change? possibly. i shall never tell. anyways, have a super great amazing awesome day!!

Original word count: 489 words

Edited word count: 532 words

edited 1/29/23

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