_____ 🌿 _____Jimin lent back in his seat still half asleep as he tried to muffle a heavy yawn. He'd been home for only a few days now, and his sleep schedule had really taken a hit as he scrambled to make up for lost time. He was drowning in homework, and he had barely slept the night before as he attempted to catch up on all of it (nor did he sleep the night before that). It didn't help that he could hardly pay attention in class - Professor Kim's voice was soft enough to lull him to sleep right then and there, but he forced himself to stay awake and pay attention. Jimin was slightly regretting their last minute trip, but every time Professor Kim's gaze meets his own - and he's suddenly reminded of how his lips felt against his own - he knows getting some air was the right thing to do. Jimin tried not to think about the kiss, but it's much harder than he expected. The creature's lips had molded perfectly with his and he had felt things he'd never felt with another person before. It drove Jimin wild.
Unregrettably, that's how Jimin spends the rest of the morning - thinking about him, and the way he'd kissed him - instead of paying attention to what Namjoon was saying. He would have liked to say he was better than that. That he had focused on school instead, but he wanted answers, not knowledge about poetry.
Who was he? What was he? Why does he feel as if he had known him his whole life? Why was he aching to be in his arms again? To be kissed by him once more? Jimin had neglected to tell Jin these feelings - because as he had pointed out multiple times during their trip - that maybe he was the mad spirit who wanted him dead and that he should keep his distance. But Jimin knew that if he wanted to get to the bottom of this, then he had no other chance but to speak with him (and truth be told, Jimin didn't want to stay away from him - he craved him). If he could avoid talking to him he would, but Professor Kim wouldn't tell him. He'd continue to evade his questions and avoid telling him outright what he wanted to know. If he wasn't mad at him for slapping him across the face, then maybe...maybe they'd still have a chance at talking to him. But that would mean having to confront his Professor, because without him, he had no way of contacting him.
Jimin sat upright in his seat, shifting uncomfortably. Professor Kim was pacing the room, lecturing about a French poem from the 1700s that he had forgotten the name about because he hadn't been paying attention. He's forced to swallow a lump in his throat and he can feel a chill run down his spine when he briefly meets his professor's eyes. His throat only tightens in response to this. If he wants answers, he's going to have to take matters into his own hands.
Jimin nearly jumps out of his seat when the bell rings. He'd been planning what he wanted to say and been so immersed in his thoughts, that he wasn't aware of how much time had passed. He took his sweet time in packing up his things, nervously watching the other students file out of the class. Professor Kim stood behind his desk, flicking through various stacks of paper. He isn't paying him any attention as he finally rises from his seat and wanders down the aisle. His heart raced in his chest as he cautiously made his way towards him.
Professor Kim didn't seem to be displaying any sort of emotion as Jimin approached him. It was almost robotic the way he flicked through the papers on his desk. His movements were stiff - like he was waiting for something to happen. Jimin forced himself to take a deep breath.
Just talk to him, you can-
"You're incredibly distracted today,"
Jimin blanked.
Namjoon halted all actions, relaxing entirely. No longer did his movements seem robotic - but natural. Jimin realized that he must have been acting while the rest of the students were filing out of class. Not that they were alone, he seemed more human in his actions. He glanced at Jimin with a raised brow.

EDEN | Yoonmin
Fanfiction"It's you...the man from my dreams. You're real," Plagued with nightmares of drowning in lakes and being pushed from cliffs by mysterious men, Jimin is haunted by his subconscious mind after a couple of near, and quite literal, death experiences. Be...