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the following are a series of entries from the journal of Park Jimin
— It's been a whole month since I've been here; I feel like I'm experiencing dejà vu. It feels like May again, except everything is different this time around. I know who he is, even though there is still an ocean of memories between us that have yet to be discovered. So many things have been left unsaid, I just don't know what. I have a mountain of questions that I still need answers to, but I know him. I see him. I wish it could have been this way the first time, somehow I think things would have been easier. There wouldn't have been that impossible amount of confusion that filled my soul that made me question what was real between us and what was a figment of my imagination. But I know now that none of that matters, at least not to Yoongi. Memory or no memory, deep down I'm still his Jimin, and that's good enough for him.
— My first night back, Yoongi returned my journal to me. I hadn't even realized that I had left it here when I returned home. I guess I was too preoccupied with catching both Jin and Jungkook up on what had transpired in my absence.
It was the first thing he handed to me once I'd gotten settled. "I didn't read through it," he told me, as if it would have mattered to me. "-but I kept it just in case you wanted to use it again during the days you spend with me here,"
He then confused me by handing me two journals: the beautiful black, leather bound one he'd given me to use back in May, and a second, word and tattered, brown leather one that had definitely seen better days.
"The second one is yours too — at least, it belonged to the old you. It's hardly legible, Mon Coeur, you're writing has definitely come a long way. I don't think you'll be able to get much out of it, I know I certainly couldn't, and neither could Joon, b-but perhaps it might help with remembering,"
(he was right about the illegible part. And to think that I'm and English and Literature major in university)
— I missed being at Eden. I feel like I'm living in some weird fairy-tale with my very own prince charming (although Yoongi would argue against me that is not really a prince). I forgot how warped time feels here. A day feels like forever when I'm here.
— Yoongi and I have been spending a considerable amount in the gardens; that is, when we're not in the library or curled up together in bed, basking in each other's company. I've been sprucing up the place a little. With all the rain we had received, many of the plants were beginning to drown. Not to mention all the weeds that had grown? There were so many to pull out of the ground. Sometimes I want to curse Yoongi for giving me such a large garden, but mostly, I'm thrilled I even have a garden this big.
The mud makes it a little hard to get around, but honestly, I feel like a kid again, tramping around the muddy puddles as I tend to my garden. Yoongi looked at me like I was crazy when I went out one morning in nothing but a pair of shorts. (truthfully, I think he might have been staring at my ass)

EDEN | Yoonmin
Fanfiction"It's you...the man from my dreams. You're real," Plagued with nightmares of drowning in lakes and being pushed from cliffs by mysterious men, Jimin is haunted by his subconscious mind after a couple of near, and quite literal, death experiences. Be...