_____ 🌿 _____
COLD, DELICATE TOUCHES THAT LINGERED. His mind was reeling with all the possible was that he could touch him. Would he let his hands roam his body, touching everywhere but where he wanted? Or would he use his fingers to do such sinful things to his body? It was always a mystery that left him with heat pooling in his stomach.
He waited in anticipation as his hands slid down his chest towards the hem of his trousers. He could already feel the way his fingers would dance across his skin, pulling, and squeezing where it was necessary. He didn't need him to touch him for him to feel it. He memorized the way it felt. He could already envision the way he looked - dark, red irises and a playful smirk. His soft, pale lips that always felt cold against him, yet somehow managed to leave fire like touches in their wake. How could something so cool make him feel like he was burning up in desire, desperate for anything and everything. He wanted him and everything that came with. It was easy to ignore the whipping wind that howled in an angry fury. It was easy to ignore the waves crashing against the stones below. Why pay attention to them when he could pay attention to him?
"Do you trust me mon coeur?"
He was already slipping the blindfold around his eyes. Of course he trusted him, but it was nice enough for him to ask anyways.
"Yes," A fond and tender smile graced his lips, and it only widened when he bent down to kiss him. He could feel his hands moving down to his waist now, squeezing him delicately with his long, slender fingers. The feeling of hot and cold mixing together only made the heat grow more intense. He could barely hear the wind or the waves anymore. He focused only on his hands, and his breathing, which sounded laboured. He loved that he had this effect on him.
"You make me human mon coeur," he panted, dipping his head to his neck and deliberately biting at the skin. "I haven't this way in years, you do such things to me,"
Engulfed in sheer ice, his eyes flew open in a panic. No longer could he feel his hands on his or his lips. He was cold, but not the kind of cold that invited him in. The rushing of the wind was impossible to ignore. It's fury was loud and frightening, and it wasn't long before he realized that he was falling. The sounds of the waves rushed up to meet him. He could hear him cry out his name, barely making out his figure as his arm stretched out, almost to catch him.
He hit the rocks with a sickening crunch, eyes remaining open to express the terror in them.
_____ 🌿 _____
Jimin awoke with a loud gasp, tendons popping as he sat up. He felt as if all the air in his lungs had been knocked out and much like this morning, he once again found himself gasping for breath. He was choking and it was not a pleasant feeling, and adding to his stress was the fact that every bone in his body seemed to either ache, or crack under the stress of trying to regulate his breathing.
It wasn't long before Jungkook came bolting in the room hollering his name at the top of his lungs. He found Jimin on his hands and knees on the floor, struggling to breath. The younger's arms slid around his waist and pulled him roughly against his chest. He gasped in pain, feeling his spine shift into place. If Jimin wasn't freaking out, he would have found it relieving to have everything shift back into place.
The familiar hot/cold sensation was back. He could feel the lingering touches of the man, mixed with Jungkook's warmth that spread over him quickly. It drove him mad, and clouded his senses. "Hyung?!" Jungkook's voice was frantic in his ear as he manhandled him into a straddling position. He wants to tell him to stop - to be careful, but he can't make the words come out. He could see Jungkook, but his vision was blurry from not being able to intake air regularly. Anxiety is rising in him. "Jimin come on, I know you can breathe," Jungkook mumbled. "Watch me okay - in...out, that's it Hyung, you got this,"

EDEN | Yoonmin
Fanfiction"It's you...the man from my dreams. You're real," Plagued with nightmares of drowning in lakes and being pushed from cliffs by mysterious men, Jimin is haunted by his subconscious mind after a couple of near, and quite literal, death experiences. Be...