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_____ 🌿 _____

day 30


"Hello, Jungkook. You look handsome today,"


He didn't actually want to hurt the older - he'd become far too protective of him in the last month to want to cause him any harm - much to his own confusion and dismay. He'd been mulling over the theory in his head for weeks now, about why he felt the way he did about Taehyung. He hadn't put two and two together until after Taehyung started avoiding him (not to mention the dreams he'd been having, but he wasn't quite ready to talk about that yet). He missed the older, and not being near him made him anxious. He could argue that it was nothing more than a domino effect - Jimin was still missing and now that Taehyung was avoiding him, for reasons unknown to him, it felt as if he was losing the older too. Or maybe it was because despite their history together, Jungkook had grown to genuinely care about Taehyung, maybe even like him. Jungkook hated the complications of feelings.

But none of that mattered. His theory on Taehyung had been pushed to the furthest corner of his mind; a dark little place where it could be forgotten, because right now he wanted to hear him limb from limb until there was nothing left. More so than he wanted to pull him closer and never let him go.

Jungkook was pissed. Because Taehyung smelled like Jimin.

His Jimin.

"Are you alright Jungkook? You look pale,"

He had to be careful not to growl. He could feel the low vibrations in his chest, bubbling up. He stared him down, thankful that Taehyung's back was turned to him so that he couldn't look him in the eye. If he could see his face, he knew that his anger would dissolve, and his Alpha would be scrambling inside to apologize for being angry with him in the first place. That his Alpha would be apologizing for jumping to ridiculous conclusions. Seeing his face would defeat the purpose of being angry with him.

Was this the reason he'd been ignoring him? The idea didn't seem far-fetched the more he thought about it. Did he know something about Jimin's whereabouts and hadn't said anything?

Maybe he couldn't say anything, his Alpha argued. You're looking for excuses to be angry with him.

Jungkook wasn't too sure, but he was going to find out.

But Jungkook had to be patient. He had a two hour morning lecture that he had to sit through still, which would give him the time to formulate the right words to say to him. He didn't want to upset Taehyung or scare him away for good.

Scare him off? We're not trying to be pleasant, we're angry! 

Are we really? Do you want to see him upset?

But he lied to us! How could he not tell us about Jimin? He had no right to keep that from us!

How exactly did he lie to you?

Why do you think he's been ignoring us? He's doing it because he knows where Jimin is!

He probably had his reasons. Like I said, he might not have been able to tell you

Reasons shmeasons, Jungkook grumbled.

Jungkook attempted to tune out his Alpha for the rest of the morning, however it was easier said than done. Halfway through the lecture, Taehyung's attention quickly found his way to Jungkook, glancing up at him with a fond smile. There was nothing suggestive about this smile. It was hopeful, warm, and Jungkook  could feel his anger evaporate as he smiled lovingly back at him - while internally cursing himself inside.

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