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IT FELT GOOD NOT HAVING TO HIDE HIS RELATIONSHIP; to know that his friends supported him and respected his decisions as he tried to navigate this new chapter in his life. Even Jin, who was still a little wary of Yoongi, trusted him enough to give him the space he needed. Jimin was just thankful Jin hadn't tried to stake Yoongi through the heart. Yet.
Being with Yoongi once more brought Jimin a sense of peace; the same sense of peace he had felt at Eden, but this time with less confusion. Jimin actively let himself feel what he wanted. This meant he could barely keep his hands off the older; he hadn't realized how touch starved he was. It wasn't like Yoongi minded though, — he too, was touch starved, — which often led to them getting a little too carried away on nights that Jungkook was gone, but as Jimin pointed out one night, they were making up for nearly five hundred years. That and finals were coming up, meaning Jimin would have to spend more time focusing on studying than he would on Yoongi, so yeah, he was trying to cover as much ground as possible.
In addition to having Yoongi around part time, Taehyung also spent quite a lengthy amount of time at their place — mostly to study as he and Jungkook had several classes together and studying with two brains was easier than studying with one. Sometimes Jimin would join in, quizzing them on difficult topics, and vice versace, while Yoongi lingered in the background doing paperwork. Every so often, Jimin would glance up and there he'd be, looking incredibly out of place in the darkness of his apartment. It was as if Jimin had stolen a prized possession from an art gallery and was now attempting to conceal it in his home. No matter how hard he tried, he'd still stick out like a sore thumb.
Having Yoongi and Taehyung around made everything feel more...cozy. It was the first time the apartment really felt like a home to Jimin — and for Jungkook. Typically, the two of them would escape to Jin's apartment when they wanted to feel at home; where things were brighter, and more open. Nothing like their small, cramped space that only served to shelter them and a place to, well, live. But knowing that Yoongi would be there, waiting for him when he returned from school, or work, made Jimin look forward to spending time in his home.
It wasn't as uncomfortable as Jimin thought it would be either. He'd had his doubts in the beginning, with two vampires sharing the same space as Jungkook. He wasn't sure if Yoongi's presence in particular would cause Jungkook's Alpha to feel threatened.
There had only been one instance where Jimin was sure Jungkook might try to attack Yoongi. They had walked in on the two playfully arguing about William-Adolphe Bourguereau's Dante and Virgil — for Taehyung's essay about Neoclassical art — when Yoongi snapped his jaw at Tae with a soft hiss. Jungkook had gone into full panic mode, growling at Yoongi as he protectively pulled Taehyung against him. Jimin placed himself in front of Yoongi, knowing Jungkook wouldn't hurt him. Yoongi made no effort to fight him back, immediately standing down, and turning away from Jungkook as a sign of stepping down. Even if Yoongi didn't know Jungkook to a certain degree, he wasn't stupid enough to fight an werewolf, let alone an Alpha in home territory.
It had taken a whole hour to get Jungkook to calm down, and once he had, his emotions were all over the place, torn between being protective over Tae, and constantly apologizing to Yoongi for his reaction. He knew he wouldn't hurt Taehyung, and even if he had, it wasn't like Yoongi could do much damage. Eventually, he had to excuse himself from the room to clear his head.
Of course that was the only instance, and from that day forward, things ran rather smoothly. It was oddly domestic in a way — something Jimin would have never thought possible. It was shocking how easily they fell back into routine with one another. He would wake up with Yoongi by his side, who was usually reading or attempting to wake him with an abundance of kisses. He would watch him make breakfast, and talk with him while he ate. Jimin missed their conversations the most. He always learned something new whenever he and Yoongi spoke.

EDEN | Yoonmin
Fanfiction"It's you...the man from my dreams. You're real," Plagued with nightmares of drowning in lakes and being pushed from cliffs by mysterious men, Jimin is haunted by his subconscious mind after a couple of near, and quite literal, death experiences. Be...