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day 29


THE REMAINDER OF HIS TIME AT EDEN PASSED BY TOO QUICKLY FOR JIMIN'S LIKING. The days seemed to blur together, filled with work, more work, and the few moments he did get to spend with Yoongi were hazy; a mess of foggy memories that seemed unreal whenever Jimin thought about them. In a way, he didn't feel like his memories. They, too, felt foreign, as if he was living in someone else's reality. He was -- but it was his own reality he was impersonating making it all the more strange. It was like having a weird, out of body experience.

The sun had finally returned, illuminating Eden in a beautiful golden haze. Her soft rays poured into every space they could reach, filling the home with warmth, and leaving little room for Yoongi to shy away in the shadows. The sun felt hot against his skin - not uncomfortable but mildly irritating due to the fact that he was constantly having to squint in the light. It made it hard to admire Jimin from a distance, and with their time coming to an end, it was the only thing Yoongi was interested in.

He stood behind him, leaning against the door frame that led out to the bacolony. Jimin was propped up against the balcony railing. Yoongi had no idea how long he'd been out there - he'd been in his office, reviewing paperwork and sending emails, and had discovered him standing there. He didn't want to disturbed the younger - who looked peaceful and relaxed as he stood outside in the sun, head tossed back as he basked in the light; so he opted to stand patiently and admire him until he was ready to come inside.

Jimin's skin looked so soft in the sunlight, cheeks tinted pink from the gentle heat. Admittedly he spent too much time staring at the definition of the muscles on his back, and the light purple bruises he had left there the night prior. If Jimin turned slightly to the right, Yoongi could see the outline of his jaw, and if he trailed his eyes a little lower, he could make out faint bite marks on the side of his neck. The swelling had gone down, and the bruising was now a light pink compared to the dark purple it had been days prior. He still winced if Yoongi applied too much pressure, but it was healing. Yoongi often found himself licking over the marks, tempted to repuncture them (like he had been last night if it weren't for the younger disappearing between his thighs) and Jimin almost always turned his head away to allow it. Jimin was just as addicted as he was.

Some things never change.

He couldn't believe a whole month had gone by; it felt like only yesterday that Jimin was just arriving at Eden, and now he was leaving. If he was being honest, he didn't think things would go this well. He had expected more resistance from the younger, for Jimin to be in some sort of denial and think that this was all insane. Not to mention, Jimin had played hard to get in the beginning, making it much harder for him to seduce the younger. This time around, however...

Yoongi fell victim to his thoughts, wondering where the time had gone, and didn't notice Jimin looking at him over his shoulder. Jimin pulled away from the balcony silently and sauntered over to where he stood.

Jimin took note of his expression  as he neared. He was evidently lost in his thoughts, appearing frustrated by whatever was on his mind. His serious expression worried him - it was different in a way - not his usual serious expression he was used to seeing when he worked. He reached out, gently resting his fingers on his forearms. Yoongi didn't even flinch in surprise as he ran his hand upwards, the soft fabric of his shirt sliding smoothly beneath his touch.

"Hey," Jimin murmured, kissing the side of his neck. He could feel Yoongi relax against his hold, sighing softly as he rested his head against his. "I missed you,"

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