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"MON COEUR - PLEASE, YOU'RE FRIGHTENING ME, COME AWAY FROM THE LEDGE," Jimin is swallowing the lump in his throat as he slowly turns around. He doesn't know how he ended up here on the ledge, but he's frozen with fear. The waves are angrily crashing against the bottom of the cliff. He couldn't see the rocks below, but realized he wasn't up on the highest point. He was in the safe zone. He almost slipped in the process, and he could hear his cries. He could feel his fear as he turned around. Wind and rain swirled around him, soaking him to the bone. He was shivering, teeth chattering noisily. His body felt numb in the cold.

He almost gasped in surprise. He looked so incredibly perfect standing in the rain. His dark framed his face - his perfectly sculpted, god like face. Was he even real? He wondered to himself. He looked like he was in pain, and he wanted nothing more than to cradle his face in his hands, and tell him that everything would be okay. He felt broken. He did not want this perfect creature to cry on his behalf.

Everything seemed so crystal clear in that moment. He could see his face perfectly, even through the rain. He reached out to him, overcome with relief to see him. "Come here," he demanded in a gentle tone. "Please, you're frightening me, give me your hand," he begged. He was still frozen in fear though. He wanted to reach out to him, let him pull him from the safety of the ledge and into his arms. Everything would be so much better if he did, but he couldn't make his body move. He only stood there, staring at him. "You," he breathed, through chattering teeth. "You're here,"

"Yes, Jimin, I'm here, I've always been here, please baby, come away from the ledge," the angel pleaded. "Please, just let me hold you,"


But he couldn't get the words out. The ledge beneath his feet gave way from the rain, and he was tumbling towards the water and a rush. He could hear the angel crying out to him, but it was no use. The angel couldn't save him as he hit the water.

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Jimin was shivering as he stumbled out of bed, water dripping everywhere. He could hear the pounding of the rain against his window as he lent against it's frame. The glass felt cold on his skin - too cold to the point where he had to pull away almost immediately after touching it. He's drenched, from sweat or water, he never knows, but they're back, and he's frustrated.

He'd gone almost a week without having any dreams, and now that his professor had acted too cryptic and weird towards him, they were back. He doesn't know what any of this means, and he has so many questions but no one to answer them. Professor Kim said he would have answers soon, but he doesn't want soon. He wants to know now.

He pushed his hair from his face, and glanced out the window. He can almost make out the cliffs from here. Jimin doesn't know what's compelling him to rush from the window and out of his bedroom. Maybe it's the desire to understand the truth, or because he's suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, but he has to go. He tries not to wake Jungkook as he passed through the apartment, he wouldn't let him go without a fight, but Jimin had to go there. He doesn't care at this point what happens, he needs answers, and maybe going to the place he's been dreaming about will fix things.

He is unaware of the fact that on the other side of the forest, Yoongi is having the same dream again. He's trudging through the town in the rain. He has no shoes, no coat and will inevitably get sick, but he doesn't stop. He's running through the town at this point, getting closer and closer to the beach. If anyone saw him right now, they'd think he was crazy. There goes Park Jimin, off on some crazy adventure to uncover the mystery of the man on the cliff. Maybe he'll be there, maybe he'll get to talk to him face to face and find out what he means. He runs faster than he's ever run before, unaware that he's running too - running to save him after all these years, and praying he won't be too late.

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