ten (smut)

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JIMIN IS SHIVERING BY THE TIME HE MAKES IT HOME. He feels like he's going to be sick, the nausea is rising in him. He's not sure if he's crying or if it's the rain, but he feels like crying. He didn't want to believe what he saw. It couldn't be true, he wasn't some sort of reincarnated soul trying to fix the past, he was just him, just Jimin. He didn't want it to be any other way.

He regrets going to the library. He should have let it go, and allowed Taehyungn to help him with his work. That would have been distracting enough, but the curiosity had eaten away at him, and he needed to know. He should have let it go, and now he was miserable.

"I'm crazy," he muttered to himself as he stomped up the stairs of his apartment building. "I'm absolutely, positively, fucking bonkers!" he let out a shaky laugh, but the laugh didn't last very long. Jimin needed a distraction. Something that wouldn't let him wander to the dark corners of his mind.

He shoves the door to his apartment open and drops his bag by the door. He shuts the door with more force than necessary. He's being aggressive, but he doesn't know how to process this new information. He wants to scream. To break something, and just let out the anger and frustration. But he's momentarily distracted when he hears whimpering coming from Jungkook's room. "Jungkook?" he called out. He didn't think Jungkook was home - he should be in class right now. The whimpering grew louder as he slowly approached Jungkook's room, eyebrows knotting together. "Jungkook?" he repeats again. His fingers twist their way around the doorknob and gently push the door open him. Jimin nearly chokes on his spit when he finds Jungkook sprawled out on his bed, his own hand around his cock. He's biting his lip and whimpering loudly, as he tried to get off. Jimin's distracted now, his mind focused purely on the sight before. He pushed the door open wider and slipped inside Jungkook's room. It was hot inside, and smelled like sweat and lust. He wondered how long Jungkook had been like this, sprawled out on his bed, in just his jeans, begging for release. His hair is sweaty and matted to his forehead, and his skin is covered in sweat.. He shuts the door behind him loud enough to draw Jungkook's attention to him.

Jungkook's head snapped up in a hurry, his hand stilling. Jimin can feel a shiver run down his spine in excitement as he meets the younger's lust filled gaze and dark, hungry eyes. The soft sparkle of his hazel irises are enough to draw him in and forget about his fear. Jungkook had that effect on him. Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat, panting heavily. "What happened to lasting another day or two?" Jimin murmured in a low tow. He's teasing him, knowing that it'll only rile Jungkook up further. "Can't handle it pup?"

"Come here," Jungkook's voice is deep, growly almost, and he's sitting up on the bed, motioning for Jimin to come closer with his finger. Jimin takes a small step forward, his fingers moving to the hem of his soaked shirt, and pulling it up over his torso. He can feel Jungkook's eyes on him as he does so, and when he finally drops it to the ground, Jungkook's moved to the edge of the bed, pulling him closer by his hips. His lips are already on his skin, biting at the waistline of his jeans. Jungkook's hands feel searing hot against his skin, warming him up almost instantly. Jimin carded his fingers through his hair, tugging on the roots which brought the younger's head back. Jungkook is forced to look at Jimin as he straddles his waist. He's still panting heavily, waiting for the younger to make his move.

"You look so pretty like this," Jimin mumbled, leaning down. Jungkook is instinctively craning his neck up to meet his lips, but Jimin pulls back at the last second, causing him to let out the most pathetic whine ever. He sounded so desperate and needy. Jungkook brought his hands up, clawing at Jimin's backside, and sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. "Such a mess though, and nobody's even touched you yet..."

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