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12 years later

HEAVY RAIN BATTERED RHYTHMICALLY AGAINST THE WINDOWS OF THE APARTMENT AS PART JIMIN STARED OUT AT THE CITY THROUGH BLURRY GLASS. It wasn't so much looking out at the city, but rather the act of standing by the windows, listening to the torrential downpour, that gave him peace. They'd had nothing but sun all week; blue skies, and fluffy white clouds, with hot temperatures. But not the rain was here, and it didn't look like it would be letting up any time soon. It reminded him of home. He missed Eden and her gardens; he thought about the Cherry blossom trees that were in full bloom. Aurora had sent him pictures. He couldn't wait to see them in person again.

Behind him, in the dim lighting of their room, Yoongi spoke in hushed French. He couldn't understand half of it, even after all these years. No matter how hard he tried, and no matter how hard Yoongi tried, he still struggled.

Perhaps he should start paying attention to his words and not imagining other, sinful things, whenever Yoongi spoke to him in another language.

He tuned out the sounds of his husband's business deal in favour of looking out the window again. The rain had begun to slow to a light drizzle now, but the skies remained dark, threatening heavier rain at any moment. A flash of lightning lit up the sky as thunder rumbled in the distance. Jimin cracked the window, breathing in the storm.

He loved rainy Paris. There was something ethereal about the city when it rained, almost as if he'd stepped into another world. Jimin loved it even more when they were in the countryside. A giddy feeling bubbled up in him. They were leaving for the cottage in the morning, where he could be surrounded by his garden. It wasn't as lavish as the one back home at Eden, but it was a close second, and equally beautiful. He thought about the crawling ivy, and the stark, crimson red roses he'd planted two springs ago. He wondered what it'd look like now.

Gently hands found his waist, while smooth lips grazed the back of his neck, kissing ever so delicately. Jimin smiled.

"What did I say about business calls while we're here?" he murmured in a pouty tone as he lent his head back against his shoulder. He gasped when Yoongi gripped his waist more firmly, pulling him back.

"I'm sorry," Yoongi whispered. "Forgive me Mon Coeur, it won't happen again," Yoongi promised, sucking the side of his neck.

"I forgive you," Jimin whispered, sighing as Yoongi's hands slipped to forbidden places.

"Come back to bed," Yoongi pleaded. Jimin giggled lightly, allowing him to pull him back towards their bed. He let out a soft cry of surprise when Yoongi picked him up like he weighed nothing and set him down on their mattress. Yoongi crawled on top of him and between his thighs where he settled himself.

"I see you've brought the ivy indoors," he teased, kissing him softly. Jimin glanced over to the window. He had in fact, made the ivy outside creep into the apartment, and crowd around the window frame. The leaves were a dark hue of green that only added to the space. "Don't you think we have enough greenery inside already?"

"Absolutely not," Jimin all but moaned as Yoongi bit down on his neck. "We need more,"

"More? Mon Coeur, you have 47 plants already, and that's not including the ones inside this room; I'm sure that only covers the living room," Yoongi exclaimed. "How. Many. More. Do. You. Need?" h questioned in between kisses.

"All of them," he whispered back.

Yoongi squeezed his sides, causing him to laugh again, as he tried to escape his hold.

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