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Jimin was drowning.

But there was no warmth that held him down as he sank beneath the tumbling waves that rolled and crashed against each other. No hands grasped tightly at this throat to hold him down, and keep him from resurfacing. He didn't even feel cold, just...numb. He supposed it had something to do with the rain, he was freeing, but now he felt calm, almost peaceful as he continued to sink further and further into darkness. He wanted to sleep, he felt so incredibly exhausted. It wasn't like any other dream he'd had before. He almost welcomed the darkness of her depths with open arms, like an old friend. It had been so long since they'd last seen each other. He didn't realize but a lazy smile had crept onto his face as he felt his eyes flutter shut

He didn't try to escape her hold - it would be pointless, the current was too strong, and he was too weak. A fragile little creature with no power, at the mercy of her touch. Everything felt like slow motion. He felt hazy.

And then he was there, in front of him, looking as beautiful and ethereal as ever, as he reached out to him. He was as cold as she was, his own fingers feeling icy as they grazed his cheeks. He seemed panicked, but why? It was so calm down here. He didn't understand why this angelic creature would cry or feel sad under her hold. He's grasping at him frantically, but he doesn't want to go. Maybe he'll understand. He wants to tell him to hold him, cradled his body against his delicately, and sink with him. His motions are too hasty, as his arms slipped around his waist. One hand cupped his face. He could feel his breathing almost, and he realized that he'd pressed his face against his. Was this what heaven was like? Surely this angel was her to welcome him to paradise, was he not? And what a pretty one too.

They're ascending now, and Jimin must be dead. This angel has come to take him away. He doesn't want to leave though. Jungkook will be angry with him. Was it worth it in the end? Maybe. If it meant staying with this angel, then the answer was yes.

It was all worth it.

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He's choking.

Jimin is hunched over on the shore, choking up all the water that had found its way into his lungs. It was suffocating as he tried to inhale large gasps of air. Every breath he took was a chore, and with it came more way, spluttering from his lips. He's coughing, and his chest feels like someone is pressing down on him, even though he knows it's just him on that beach. The rain has subsided into a fine drizzle, but he's wet from head to toe and waves are crashing all around him. It's dark out on that beach, with dark clouds and thunder rolling in from the horizon. Seagulls are calling from overhead. Tears are slipping down his face and mixing with the water droplets that slip from his hair that's not matted to his forehead. It's like that night Jungkook found him choking on the floor, gasping for air. Everything hurt.

He doesn't even have time to process the fact that he's not alone. The creature is crawling from the ocean - and or a moment Jimin wonders if this angel is actually a demon, summoned from his own personal hell. It's stalking towards him, with dark eyes, but there's no malice in them as far as he can tell. He's pushing himself to his feet, stumbling almost as a wave crashed behind him, dowsing him with water. When the wave recedes he's not there, and for a minute, he wonders if he's been swept into the sea.

A siren perhaps? No, sirens are notorious for dragging their prey to the ocean's floor. This thing was not a siren, for it would have surely killed him.

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