_____ 🌿 _____
day one
WAKING UP TO AN EMPTY APARTMENT WASN'T AS IDEAL AS ONE THOUGHT, and for Jungkook to wake up alone, without the slightest clue where Jimin might be was enough to terrify him. To make matters worse, the front door to the apartment had been left wide open - for how long he'd never know - but that was never a good sign. Jimin had left in the middle of the night to do only God knows what, and had neglected to wake him up.
Chaotically, he scrambled around his room in search of his clothes, dressing himself poorly before bolting out of the apartment. Jimin's scent was thick in the halls as he hurried down the stairs and out into the early morning light. The sun was hanging low in the sky still, and a thin layer of fog covered the town in a blanket of white. Trying to track Jimin would be a little harder now, but the older couldn't have gone that far, right?
Running a hand through his hair, he made a left hand turn and half walked, half ran down the street towards the port. He figured it was the safest place to look for the boy, as he didn't believe Jimin would be stupid and go into the woods; A poor assumption on his part. But as Jungkook neared the beach, he realized that Jimin's scent was fading, and pretty soon the only thing he could smell was the waves crashing in from the sea, and the salt from the air. The vast ocean stood before him as the sun rose over the horizon but Jimin hadn't come here in his nightly adventures. It had been left untouched by his presence.
"Where the hell did you go?" He grumbled to himself, spinning around on the beach like an idiot. Jimin wasn't going to just suddenly appear if he looked in a different direction. That wasn't how the world worked. "Come on, Jungkook, think! Where could he have gone?"
A heavy gust of wind blew past him, whistling as it passed by, and Jungkook stumbled backwards by the sheer force of it. He tried to keep his footing, but ended up tripping over a stick that had been lodged in the sand and fell down on his hands and knees. Sighing, he pushed himself back up and was met with a horrifying thought. Devil's Edge loomed in the distance, waves crashing angrily against its base, spraying water up over the jagged rocks that dwelled below the cliffs edge. He could remember Jimin coming home drenched from his fall several weeks ago - rambling about how the man from the cliff was real. His heart began to pound in his chest and the idea that Jimin might have gone back there, that he might have fallen once more...
He was running then, faster than he had ever run before in his life. Jungkook cried out for him knowing all too well that he wouldn't hear him. But a part of him hoped that he would, that he might call back to him.
But all he got was silence.
day two
JIN HAS NEVER BEEN A FAN OF THE WOODS. There was something so unsettling about them, the way the wind would rush past the trees, howling at anyone is please; how the trees twisted high up into the sky and the way the leaves filled up so much space, blocking out the sunlight that had to fight to break through the endless canopies. Leaves and twigs that crunched and snapped beneath his boots startled him, leaving his heart racing behind his ribs.
Today was no exception, and Jin did not appreciate being dragged into the woods while it was trying to rain. However, he was just as worried about Jimin as Jungkook was, so it didn't matter how long he had to endure this. Jimin's safety was their first priority.

EDEN | Yoonmin
Fanfiction"It's you...the man from my dreams. You're real," Plagued with nightmares of drowning in lakes and being pushed from cliffs by mysterious men, Jimin is haunted by his subconscious mind after a couple of near, and quite literal, death experiences. Be...