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_____ 🌿 _____

day 17


“SO DO YOU ACTUALLY ENJOY GARDENING? Or are you doing this because technically speaking I’m your husband and you know it makes me happy?”

They’re kneeling on the ground by the furthest wall of the garden - the one that overlooked a step embankment that was hidden behind The Shire. After complaining about how bare that side of the garden looked, Yoongi had gone out one afternoon, and returned with a variety of coloured roses, and two cherry tree saplings for them to plant on either side of the flowers.

Yoongi let out a soft laugh as he piled the dirt back into the hole around the flower he’d just planted in the ground.

They had been spending more and more time together ever since Jimin had “confessed” his feelings. Yoongi was more than happy to oblige Jimin's wishes to take their time and not rush into things. And he was more than happy to answer any questions the younger had about him. Yoongi seemed to know a lot about him and Jimin felt as if he didn’t know anything about the older. He couldn’t help but notice how smoothly things were going now that neither of them were tip toeing over their feelings. More and more memories were popping up, and he could feel himself falling more and more in love. The funny thing was that Jimin didn’t feel as scared to love him as he did on the first day.

“It’s a bit of both,” Yoongi admitted, wiping his hands on his pants. “I never used to be into gardening before we met. Why would a vampire need a garden? It seemed a little pointless to me, and besides, there were far more interesting things for me to indulge in at the time,” he explained. “And then I met you, and I became sort of fascinated by it. I preferred to watch you garden - I still do - because you have this way with nature, and I liked seeing everything come back to life before my eyes,”

He paused briefly, glancing over at the younger with a gentle smile. “-but after losing you, I took it up as a hobby. You put so much care and affection into this garden when you were alive, and you loved it so much that to let it die would have been having to watch you die all over again. So I made sure that every year, the garden thrived in your absence. In some ways, keeping the garden alive was a way for me to cope with my emotions - a form of therapy so to speak. I would even come out here when I grew lonely and wanted to talk to you,”

Jimin finished packing the dirt back around his rose bush, and wiped the dirt on his jeans.

“Why must you pull at my heart like this,” Jimin pouted, shifting onto his lap and straddling him. He wrapped his arms around his neck, and sighed.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to upset you. It seems rather impossible for me to talk about one thing without bringing up the latter,” Yoongi admitted. “One fuels the other,”

“I’m not upset,” Jimin replied. “I just wish there was something that I could do to ease your pain,”

“You already have,” Yoongi murmured, kissing the tip of his nose. Jimin giggled, his cheeks heating up.

“You’re such a big softie,” he whispered. “How are you even a vampire? You’re not even scary,”

“I don’t want to be scary. At least not to you,” Yoongi told him. “-and, to answer your original question: I do enjoy gardening, moreso when I can do it with you,”

“What else do you like?” Jimin questioned.

“In what sense?”

“What are your hobbies? Do vampires even have hobbies?”

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