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He's relieved because for the first time in over five hundred years, he feels at peace. With Jimin back in Collin's Port, his already tortured soul feels at ease, He feels hopeful for his upcoming talk with Jimin, even if nothing has been set in stone just yet. Excitement bubbled up inside of him at the thought of getting a second chance, and now that he's had time to think, he's been mulling over how to properly approach the situation. He was fairly positive that he knew what he wanted to say, and that it wouldn't scare him off. He didn't want to overwhelm him. Again.

"Min Yoongi, I told you to be gentle with him!"

Yoongi had to force himself not to roll his eyes at Namjoon's comment.

"It was an accident, I couldn't help myself-" Namjoon cut him off swiftly by giving him a stern look. He wasn't putting up with it, and Yoongi wondered if this was how his students felt when he gave them this look.

"Yes you could," he stated confidently. Yoongi let out a frustrated noise, and ran his hands through his hair. He could feel the cold water running down his face, dripping onto the hardwood floors beneath his feet.

"Namjoon, I haven't seen him in half a millennium, and the first thing he goes and does is fall off a cliff! I was worried okay? I know I wasn't thinking but I just-" but he was cut off again.

"Yoongi, this version of Jimin barely knows you, on top of the dreams that he's been having, you showing up in the middle of the night and kissing him is not going to help you situation,"

"I know, I know," Yoongi sighed. Namjoon was right, it wouldn't help his situation, Jimin was just going to see him as a strange man who enjoyed kissing him and tormented him in his dreams, but Namjoon didn't understand where he was coming from. He had never lost Aurora - and he never would lose her. She would always be around. Yoongi had lost Jimin though, in the most painful way possible, and so could he really blame for him losing control for a second and just wanting to be close to him once more?

"You have to be careful with what you do and say around him-"

"I'm always careful-" Yoongi exclaimed, his pitch raising ever so slightly.

"I'm sure you are," Yoongi could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You got slapped, Yoongi, you're doing absolutely fantastic,"

He couldn't argue with that. Jimin had slapped him for his actions - which were inexcusable because he should have asked - but he had learned from his mistake, and would be on his best behaviour for next time.

It still pained him to know that Jimin didn't know who he was. So many memories lost or buried deep within him that he couldn't remember, except for in fragments or dreams. Yoongi feared that things would never be the same - of course they wouldn't, this Jimin was far from the old Jimin - but he worried that whatever love Jimin had for him in the past was gone, and that he'd never love him again. It drove him wild that he wouldn't fully know the extent of their situation was until he spoke to him.

However, the feeling of hopefulness didn't last, as Jimin seemed to have left town the morning following the incident. At first, he believed he had truly overwhelmed him to the point of losing him again, but upon hearing that both Jin and Jungkook were gone as well, his fear died down. If his friends were with him, it meant that he was coming home, and that Yoongi would just have to suffer until he was back. However, it did not settle his nerves, because not knowing where he was killed him.

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