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JIMIN SLAMMED THE APARTMENT DOOR BEHIND HIM WITH A LOUD THUD, FORGETTING THE FACT THAT, ONE, IT'S NEARLY FOUR IN THE MORNING, AND TWO, JUNGKOOK IS STILL ASLEEP. He's shivering, and hyperventilating (not a winning combination) as his back remains glued to the door. He can't think, he only stared blankly at the dark surrounding of his living room.
He was real. And he was here.
Not to mention he kissed you, his brain added, to which Jimin made a pained sound and ran his hands through his soaked hair. He decided that he hated water, and wanting nothing to do with it anymore after this night. He was going to avoid the ocean at all costs.
He doesn't know how to process any of this information. Between his cryptic professor not making any - but all the sense in the world - and the mystery creature, Jimin isn't sure how to handle any of this. They don't teach him how to deal with recurring nightmares that may or may not be how you died in a past life, a cryptic teacher who knows more about your life than you do, and a beautifully, angelic creature that knows how to kiss him the way he wants to be kissed. There was no handbook for this, he was flying solo on this one, and Jimin did not know how to proceed.
Alcohol. I could use a drink.
However, he does not make it very far, because Jungkook is swinging his door open and stumbling out tiredly. Jimin feels like he's about to be caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and when Jungkook's eyes meet his, and takes in his appearance, Jimin is raising his hands rather quickly.
"Don't freak out!" he exclaimed in an uneasy voice. "If you freak out, I'll freak out, and I don't know if that's a good thing for me to do right now!"
Jungkook opened his mouth, but the only noise that came out was a squeaking sound.
"I can explain," Jimin added, rushing out the words. "B-But I need a drink first...preferably something strong," he's distracted now, and is stumbling towards the kitchen.
Jungkook let out a deep breath, as he watched Jimin hobble into the kitchen, shivering and his hands shaking..
"Should I call Jin?" he called out in a worried tone.
Jimin didn't look at him when he responded.
"That's a good idea. You should call Jin,"
It wasn't uncommon for them to gather around the small kitchen table at ungodly hours. It was almost tradition at this point - something would happen and they would get together no matter the time. But it was still odd, because they'd only done this once before for Jimin, when he discovered that he had an unusual green thumb. Usually, they gathered for Jungkook.
The first time this had happened had been the year they started high school. Neither Jimin, nor Jin had seen the younger for almost a week until the night he came somersaulting through Jimin's bedroom window at two in the morning with an "emergency" and that he absolutely, positively needed to talk to him. Somehow the two of them found themselves in Jin's backyard, with the older still half asleep with a mug of cold black coffee in his hands. It had been nice to see him again after not hearing from him for a week, but neither Jin nor Jimin understood why whatever it was Jungkook wanted to tell them couldn't wait until morning. It wasn't until Jungkook started to freak out and slur his words together to the point that they couldn't understand him that they knew something was up. Jimin had picked up on a few words, freaky, unnatural, big furry creature, help, don't understand, and of course, neither of them knew what he meant.

EDEN | Yoonmin
Fanfiction"It's you...the man from my dreams. You're real," Plagued with nightmares of drowning in lakes and being pushed from cliffs by mysterious men, Jimin is haunted by his subconscious mind after a couple of near, and quite literal, death experiences. Be...