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And Yoongi was prepared to ensure that it didn't this time around. He would do everything in his power to prevent it.

Gasping. Jimin was gasping for breath, and despite being the fastest creature alive, Yoongi feared that he wasn't going to get to him this time.

Except he wasn't gasping this time. In fact, Yoongi was positive that Jimin wasn't even anywhere near the lake, which immediately calmed his nerves. Yoongi could smell his fear in the air as he raced for him through the dense forest. History had already prevented itself instead of repeating, and Yoongi was determined to stand in it's way. As far as he was concerned, Jimin had yet to be caught by him and dragged below the surface of the lake. He would make it to him this time. Nothing would stop him.

Screaming. Jimin was screaming, but not for him. He wasn't screaming for him to save him. How could he scream for a man he didn't know? A man he didn't love? It chilled him to the bone to hear his cries echo through the woods, but he was thankful that Jimin wasn't crying for mercy; that he wasn't begging for his life. Yoongi was not ready to go through that for a second time.

He can hear him calling out for Jimin. His voice was loud in the whooshing of the wind and snapping branches. It's all around him, closing in on his location rapidly. The closer he came to Jimin, the angrier he became. It was a race for the younger - a terrifying race for life and death.

"NO!" he heard Jimin cry out. Yoongi stopped dead in his tracks.

He was so close to him.

Where are you? He wondered to himself as he glanced half-hazardly at his surroundings.

"JIMIN!" he shouted loudly into the dead of night. "WHERE ARE YOU!"

"I'M HERE!" If Yoongi's heart could beat, it would have leapt out of his chest.

Yoongi took off, running to him like he had once had, only this time he would save him. He would be able to hold Jimin in his arms again; to kiss him once more. He'd never let anything bad happen to him again. Ever.


He continued to call out to him, shouting his name just so he could hear his voice calling back to him. To know he was still alive.

"NO! HE'S MINE!" his voice shouted.

"Like hell he is," Yoongi growled to himself. Don't you fucking touch him.

Jimin was still crying out for him, yelling "I'm here! I'm right here! Please!" Yoongi was positive that if he could remember who he was, he'd be calling out his name. Part of him is thankful he doesn't remember - he's spared the horrors of his past; the horror of Jimin screaming his name.


Warm. Jimin is still warm when he runs into him at full force, knocking himself back against the ground. Yoongi can see that his face had been drained of any colour, and there's fear in his eyes. But he's alive - his heart pounding so heavily in his chest to the point that Yoongi is afraid it might explode - and Yoongi quickly sinks to his knees, his hands roaming his body in search of any injuries.

"Jimin are you alright?" he breathed.

Jimin could only stare up at him with fear in his eyes - fear of him or the incident he couldn't tell - but he didn't blame him. A sense of relief washed over him when Jimin managed to mumble out weak, "You came,"

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