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day 18
LOUD CLAPS OF THUNDER ECHOED ACROSS THE SKY, FOLLOWED BY STREAKS OF LIGHTNING. The rain had returned, darkening the sky with black clouds, and various shades of yellow and green. It showed no signs of letting up anytime soon, not that either of them minded. Yoongi had perched himself in an armchair across from Jimin, barely reading the pages of his book. He was too busy admiring Jimin - who was deep in thought as he worked diligently on his essay. He was using the book as a cover to hide his face.
Not much had been said that morning, except for the occasional question Yoongi had asked in regards to his work. But Jimin was losing motivation and in need of a distraction.
“What's your favourite memory of us?” Jimin mumbled, not looking up from his work.
“Our ‘wedding’ night,” Yoongi replied, without missing a beat. His eyes stayed glued to his book, eyes skimming the words as he turned the page. “That was the best night of my life, among other things”
Jimin sighed softly, as he crossed out an entire paragraph of his essay. For as long as he could remember, he’d always wanted to be married and have a family, (he was a romantic at heart), and to hear that he had achieved it in some sort of way was nice. But he was saddened by the fact that he couldn’t even remember what their wedding night was like.
“I wish I could remember it,” Jimin mumbled, crossing out another paragraph. His essay was beginning to look more and more like a red ink blob than an essay at this point. “I’m sure it was magical,”
“It was,” Yoongi agreed, closing his book. He glanced up at Jimin with a warm smile. “Nothing brought me more joy than to see your wedding band around your neck,” he murmured. "I would have preferred it if you could have worn it on your finger, but it was perfect nonetheless,"
Jimin set his work down on his lap.
“Tell me about that day,” Jimin demanded, propping his chin up on the palm of his hand. He pouted at the older, giving him puppy eyes to convince him further. He knew he'd won once Yoongi smiled.
“It was raining - not heavily, just a light sprinkle - but they say rain on your wedding day is good luck," Yoongi began. "It was just the two of us - for obvious reasons - but all I needed was you. No one else mattered. You were so eager to marry me, you didn’t want to wait a second more, and I suppose it was cruel of me to make you wait so long that day, but I wanted it to be perfect,” Yoongi rambled. "Everything had to be perfect for you because you deserve it," he whispered. "We hiked high up into the mountain that morning; to the waterfalls,"
Jimin had only been up to the waterfalls once in his life, with Jungkook and Jin the summer before he started university. It was a popular destination for tourists during the summer, and the three of them had plans to go back this upcoming summer. "I remember that," Jimin murmured. "I'd never been before, and I had begged and begged for you to take me,"
"I thought it was the perfect for us to tie the knot," Yoongi explained. "It was where we exchanged our vows - on the little ledge that over looks the small lake below, and married one another,"
“We stayed up there all day,” Yoongi continued.
“And…” Jimin prompted, when he noticed that Yoongi seemed to be holding something back. He could see it in his eyes. They were playful; amused. Yoongi chuckled, licking his lips.
“We went skinny dipping,” he added, causing Jimin to roll his eyes. I should have known, he thought to himself. “-and had a lot of sex,”
“Of course we did, that seems to be a frequent activity we partook in,”
“That’s very true, we did have a lot of sex,” Yoongi agreed, running his hand through his hair. “Honestly, I feel a little guilty about it; a relationship don't need sex to be successful, nor should it be what your whole relationship should be about," he rambled. “-but it was my way of showing you how much I loved you. Of course I do other things too like spending time with you, giving you gifts, affirmations of love, but I always felt awkward or like I was doing it wrong. Sex was easy - I’d had a lot of practice over the years - but that too always made me feel guilty, because I didn’t want you to think that all I wanted out of our relationship was sex; that I was using you for your body,”
“So in a is your love language?” Jimin responded, and Yoongi paused. He'd never thought of it that way before.
“You could say that...but if that's the case, then I would argue that my love language is really touch. Sex is jst a bonus. Non-sexual or non-intimate touch means a lot to me because it helps me feel human,” Yoongi replied. “When you hold my hand, lean into me, or even kiss me, I feel happy, excited,”
Jimin made a point to reach across the space between them and lace his fingers with Yoongi’s. Yoongi chuckled, squeezing his hand.
“Tell me about your vows,” Jimin murmured, then. Yoongi squirmed his brow.
“My vows?” He asked, trying to see if he could even remember them.
“Well,” Yoongi began, motioning for Jimin to come sit on his lap. Jimin removed his books from his lap and easily moved to settle himself on Yoongi's, locking his arms around his neck. Yoongi placed his hands on Jimin's waist, pulling him closer. “-you are my world,” he stated, in a soft tone. “You are every breath, every thought, every reason behind my existence,” he took Jimin’s hands in his, kissing his knuckles. “-and I vow to love you with all my heart, and to never let you feel that you are undeserving of love, or affection or the finer things in life; You deserve the world, and I promise one day I will give it to you. I don't know when, but I hope it's soon. I vow to protect you with my life, and to never let harm come to you. I vow to make you smile, and laugh and to make you feel like you are the only man in my world, because you are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You own my heart, my soul; you own me, I am yours for eternity, and I will love you for eternity,”
Jimin sat in stunned silence and he didn’t know if he wanted to cry or not because of how pretty Yoongi's vows sounded. He can feel the tears welling in his eyes as he pressed his forehead against his head. He can feel his heart racing in his chest, and he can almost hear Yoongi smiling softly. He swallowed the lump in his throat, and tried to find the right thing to say to him, but how could he possibly say anything that could compete with that? Jimin eventually finds the right words, but they’re not exactly his.
“You are the reason I wake up, that I can function and think properly," he breathed. "You are every thought in my head, and the very air that I breathe. You are the reason my heart beats continually. Why I wake each morning with a smile on my face, and hope in my heart; why I can sleep easy, knowing I'll have you by my side. You are my world, the center of my universe, and I couldn’t imagine life without you. I vow to cherish you, to love you unconditionally, and to never make you feel undeserving of love. I vow to hold you closer, to remind you of your worth: to never to harm you or let any harm come to you; I vow to make you smile, and laugh, to feel the happiest you’ve ever been. I want you to feel like you are the only man in my life, because you are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t imagine my life without you. You own my heart, every breath I take, every thought in my head. You own my soul, and my body, and I will love you for an eternity, till death do us part,”
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updates will probably be slower due to the fact that I am doing my editing and typing via a tablet but the next chapter has been written and partially edited so hopefully I can publish it in a few days.
as usual, if something confuses you or if you have any questions, leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible

EDEN | Yoonmin
Fanfiction"It's you...the man from my dreams. You're real," Plagued with nightmares of drowning in lakes and being pushed from cliffs by mysterious men, Jimin is haunted by his subconscious mind after a couple of near, and quite literal, death experiences. Be...