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RAIN BATTERED ANGRILY AGAINST THE WINDOWS OF HIS BEDROOM WINDOW; with Jungkook visiting his family this weekend, Jimin had the apartment to himself. It was rather lonely.

He'd taken the opportunity to return home to visit his parents while Yoongi was out of town for the week; a business trip he couldn't put off any longer. He was scheduled to return soon, but until then, the younger was on his own. Jimin was usually very good at keeping himself busy, but he missed him terribly.

So he decided to visit his parents. Being with them again was relaxing; he'd missed his mother's cooking, and being in their company in general was comforting. It was good to be home. It also provided a much needed distraction for Jimin.

It had almost been two weeks since his chat with Aurora and his dosage of the "dream juice" as they were calling it, and Jimin hadn't seen any improvements in his memories. If anything, it felt fuzzier than it did clearer. He knew this might be a possibility. Aurora had warned him that it might not work, but Jimin got his hopes up anyways that this could work.

Maybe there was nothing to remember after all, but Jimin wasn't so sure.


— even though I haven't remembered anything new, I still can't shake the feeling like something is missing. I know I said that if nothing came of it, I would accept that I was overreacting but...I...I know something is off. My memory feels more hazy. Like I can't remember anything now. It's as if my brain has shut down completely.

Maybe I'm just being silly.

I miss him. It's so strange when he's not around. I can't function without him, as pathetic as it sounds. I've been mulling over those three little words he uttered to me weeks ago. I love you. He'd said them to me over and over and over again, and I can't tell if he said it so much to remind me or himself. God do I love him. I always knew I would, it was inevitable, but I couldn't say it back. The timing was off. At least, that's what I've been telling myself. I don't know what it is that I'm waiting for.

I want to tell him. I want to shout it to the world so that they know he's mine.

Maybe when he comes home I...

Jimin's phone buzzed in his pocket.

To: Mon Coeur
I'm home. I'll come see you
tomorrow. Do stay out of
the rain. I don't need you
to get sick on me

Jimin's heart thudded against his chest. Do I...

To: Yoongi
What if I want to see you

To: Mon Coeur
I'm hungry. Can't risk
draining you dry now can

Jimin was mildly turned on.

To: Yoongi
No ): but you'll be here
in the morning?

To: Mon Coeur

To: Yoongi
Alright. Be safe please
Don't eat anyone

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