Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Easter term drew to a close and on the morning the Auburn boys were scheduled to leave for their five-week break, Dan was called to see Mrs Blackwell in her office. She sat with a tired expression and a pile of papers to her left that looked as though needed completing before she left for her own holiday, "Come, sit down." she smiled with effort.

Dan nodded, taking a seat on the wooden chair opposite her place at her desk, "Either this is about my grades or someone else has died." he distastefully joked.

"Grades, Daniel." she admitted with a disappointed scowl, but one that showed she cared by the pain in her eyes, "You've got your GCSEs next year and you're predicted Cs in all your sciences and French, a B in Maths and your Englishes. However, an A in Geography and A*s in Theatre and Music." she sighed, "And I'm having you take your SATs next term." she couldn't help but smile as she said that.

Dan's bottom lip dropped and his eyes lit up, "You were messaged?" he asked excitedly.

"I can't believe you kept it a secret for so long. You sent of your auditions and applications without having anyone check them!" she complained, shaking her head in bemusement, "Does Chris know?"

"No." Dan admitted, "I didn't believe I'd get this far." he shrugged.

"But, you did. You've been accepted, even. That's on the basis you pass your SATs, though. You've still got what...three years before you go. But, if we can get them out of the way, and you should be able to, then it's for the best. I don't want you worrying about them and GCSEs next year. If you want, you can still retake them next year, but I think it's smart to have a passing grade under your belt."

Dan nodded, smiling at his House Mistress as she grinned, "Do you think I can do it?"

"I think you can pass your SATs next term. I think you can get into college in the US. And, I think you can be an incredible actor. I've seen you on stage, Dan, with some of the best acting students in this school, yet you still stand out. Just please, please put some work in this Easter."

"I will." he agreed. If anything, he didn't want to see himself fail Mrs Blackwell, "Have a good Easter, Miss." he smiled.

"You, too." she stood up, leading him towards the door, "I'll see you on your way out later, tell the boys Second Form's departure is at noon exactly."

"Mrs Blackwell?" he asked as he stood in the open doorway.

"Yes, Dan?"

"Could I be dropped from the scholar set next year?" he bit his lip as his words hung in the hair.

She scrunched her face and shrugged a single shoulder, "I'm not allowed to say yes, but they didn't tell me not to tell you it's been discussed."

The boy's heart dropped as he imagined not only being the only scholar in the school not in top set, but because the friends he'd put together only within the last term would be left there, and he'd be truly alone. He wasn't motivated by academic achievement, but the fear of losing what he'd worked so hard to let himself have, did.


Phil had walked by Hepburn on his way to the car, collecting Dan as they trod across the school walkway. The brown-haired boy looked frantic with his cheeks puffed out and fists reddening with how tight they were around his suitcases' handles.

Phil scrunched his eyebrows together, standing still for a moment to give his friend a questioning look, "Tough morning?"

"I might be dropped sets." Dan fearfully muttered, barely pausing as he walked down the path.

Phil strode after him as he asked, "Who said?"

"I asked Mrs Blackwell when she warned me about my grades." the shorter boy bit his dried lips and he mumbled at a volume almost inaudible to Phil, "Do you think you can tutor me over Easter?"

"Of course." he confidently responded, "I didn't think you'd want me to."

"Why not?" Dan shot, furrowing his forehead and pinching his lips together.

"Well..." Phil wasn't too sure why, "You're Dan." he shrugged.

"Jeez, thanks." the teenager teased.

They spotted Katherine and Nigel stepping out of their car towards the end of the road, waving towards them as the two boys hastily carted themselves up the pavement. Kath noticed the change in them both straight away: Phil stood with his fists shaking at his sides and a healing bruised jaw that although he'd have been clumsy enough to cause himself, her instincts told her that wasn't true. His chest rapidly rose and fell and there was a look to his face and how his eyes darted from side to side told the mother her boy was not okay. Then Dan, on the other hand, was slumped over with his gaze downwards and about ten sizes too much weight on his shoulders. They were both too pale, and they were both completely worn down.

"You two both look like you need a warm bath and some hot chocolate." she sighed honestly, "Let's get you in the car and back home. I've got the impression neither of you want to be talking about school right now."

Dan's lip did curl up at her empathy for them, despite how exhausted he was and how unappealing smiling felt. He nodded, "It's been a tough term." he admitted.

"Dan's struggling with grades and I'm struggling with people." Phil filled his mother in, "Nothing different to usual. I get peace from them for five weeks, and Dan's got me to tutor him over the Easter holiday, so we should be alright after the break."

"Okay," Katherine nodded, "but no working on the weekends and don't do more than two hours a day. You need rest," she stressed.

"Okay." Dan agreed, sighing as he flopped into the car seat.

"Oh, I want to rest, trust me." Phil chuckled tiredly.

"An hour and a half to go, you two." Nigel spoke up, "And then you get your own bedrooms again for a while. How does breakfast in bed sound tomorrow morning?"

"Nigel!" Katherine grinned, "You're spoiling them."

"Perfect as long as it's not before midday." Dan laughed, resting his head against the window.

"I'd never have dreamt of it with you, Dan, don't you worry." Nigel mocked light-heartedly. He started the car and began to drive the four of them away from the boarding school, feeling the relief that came over the two teenagers as the building fell out of sight.

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