Chapter 18

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Darkpaw blinked open his eyes to the blurry, green moss beneath him. He turned his head to the side and saw a peacefully sleeping Wolfblaze lying next to him, his mouth slightly open and his breath ruffling the fur on his paws that his head was resting on. Darkpaw smiled and thought of the time he spent with Firefox in his dreams. 

He had a sudden vision of her lying outside the nursery with Flowerkit standing on her stomach, and Ashenkit and Blazekit play-fighting near them. An older version of Darkpaw sat by them, watching his sons and coaching them in their fight. He bent down and licked Firefox between the ears and nuzzled Flowerkit's cheek. The vision faded and Darkpaw's smile widened slightly. That would've been a great life with the fox he loved.

Darkpaw rose to his paws, picking the tiny pieces of moss from his pelt. Wolfblaze slowly opened his eyes and his jaws stretched in a yawn. Darkpaw smirked and leapt at him, pinning him to the ground by his shoulders. He bent his head down and tickled Wolfblaze's neck with his teeth in a playful manner. Wolfblaze shot up abruptly, throwing Darkpaw off, causing the black-furred apprentice to hit his head on the roof of the burrow. Darkpaw landed in a moss nest on all four paws and faced Wolfblaze.

"What a way to wake me up Darkpaw!" Wolfblaze meowed loudly, a mock annoyed look on his face.

Darkpaw chuckled. "I couldn't resist!" He meowed, flicking his ears.

"You just don't change, do you?" Wolfblaze said, meeting his gaze with a glint of amusement in his amber eyes. "You bit my ear after I let you sleep in, remember?"

Darkpaw smiled. "Yeah I do. You deserved it though." He laughed. 

Wolfblaze rolled his eyes and smiled. "Right." He breathed.

Darkpaw glanced behind him at the sunlight filtering in the den from above. "I got to go see what Crimsonclaw is teaching me today, I'll see you, okay?" He said, turning back to Wolfblaze.

"Alright." Wolfblaze replied, waving his fluffy tail at Darkpaw. Darkpaw flashed his friend a smile and headed up into the camp.

He spotted Crimsonclaw gulping down a vole while watching the camp entrance. Darkpaw padded over to his mentor.

"Hey Crimsonclaw!" He meowed. "What are we doing today?" 

Crimsonclaw swallowed a mouthful of vole and drew his tongue over his lips.He turned to his apprentice. "The dawn patrol reported that they scented some strange cats on our territory. We suspect that Scarfur's rogues are out of revenge on us." 

Darkpaw's fur bristled in alarm. "What!?" He growled, his claws angrily tearing at the grass.

"They want us to go scout around for them to see if their on our territory or stealing prey, it's greenleaf but they have no right to take our prey with leaf-fall on the way." Crimsonclaw explained.

"Is it just you and me on this patrol?" Darkpaw asked, his claws twitching, ready to sink themselves into rogue flesh.

Crimsonclaw nodded and beckoned Darkpaw to follow him as he padded out of camp. Darkpaw was hot of his mentor's tail, his own tail lashing.

The grass swayed as the soft breeze blew through its limbs. The air drew the sharp scent of mysterious cats into Darkpaw's nostrils. It made his fur prickle with unease and burning anger. These cats followed Scarfur. Darkpaw growled under his breath and his claws twitched.

Crimsonclaw's hackles rose and he bared his teeth in a snarl. "They've just been strolling around like they own this place! It's sickening!" The red fox spat, his ears flat against his head.

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