Chapter 13

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Darkpaw stood in front of Wolfpaw, his tail lashing.

"Fight!" Nightfire yowled from the side of the hollow.

Wolfpaw shot forward and leapt at Darkpaw. Darkpaw rolled onto his back and sprang up a couple tail lengths from Wolfpaw. Wolfpaw ran at him again, his eyes burning. Darkpaw ran forward to meet him, he twisted around and kicked Wolfpaw in the chest with his back paws. Wolfpaw landed on the rocky ground with a dull thud. Darkpaw batted at Wolfpaw's ears with his front paws. The gray tom backed away slightly and suddenly rammed his head into Darkpaw's exposed belly, knocking the breath out him and left him sprawled on the ground. Wolfpaw landed on top of him, he flipped Darkpaw over onto his stomach and grabbed his front paws in his. Wolfpaw pinned Darkpaw's paws behind his back. His back legs were on either side of Darkpaw's. Wolfpaw dug in his back claws into the ground and held Darkpaw in place. Darkpaw hissed in frustration, he struggled for a few moments, trying to get free. He twisted his head to the side and stared into Wolfpaw's amber gaze for a moment. Darkpaw then sighed and let his head fall to the ground in defeat.

"Congratulations Wolfpaw, you win!" Nightfire meowed. Wolfpaw released Darkpaw and nudged him to his paws.

"You put up quite a fight Darkpaw." Wolfpaw commented, his tail flicking from side to side.

"The only reason you won was because I haven't had as much training as you have." Darkpaw growled, feeling his muscles burn.

"You sure that was the reason? You sure you aint just as great as me?" Wolfpaw smirked, cocking his head at Darkpaw.

"I'm positive." Darkpaw hissed, his tail lashing. Wolfpaw let out a loud snort. Darkpaw growled in response.

"How about you brush up on some more moves Darkpaw? Then you two can have a rematch." Crimsonclaw suggested, glancing at Nightfire.

"Yes please!" Darkpaw meowed.

"You can try to beat me Darkpaw..." Wolfpaw whispered with a smirk.

Darkpaw groaned. "Shut it..."

Darkpaw was crouched slightly in front of Wolfpaw, who's eyes were gleaming with anticipation.

"Alright, fight!" Crimsonclaw yowled, with a flick of his fluffy tail.

Darkpaw sprang at Wolfpaw, letting out a yowl. Wolfpaw reared up on his hind legs and batted Darkpaw to the ground. He aimed a blow at his head but Darkpaw ducked out of the way and sprang away from him. Darkpaw spun around, fluffed out his fur and hissed. Wolfpaw leaped at him, his paws outstretched. Darkpaw darted forward and leaped, twisting in midair onto his back, he raked his paws down Wolfpaw's exposed belly, sending Wolfpaw to the ground curling into a ball, in reaction to the attack. Darkpaw landed on all four paws and ran at Wolfpaw. He reared up and brought his paws down hard on Wolfpaw. Wolfpaw looked dazed, he shook his head. Darkpaw crawled on top of him and gripped Wolfpaw's neck in his jaws. He felt Woflpaw's muscles relax beneath him.

"You won Darkpaw!" Crimsonclaw congratulated him. "Good use of the Upright Lock!" 

Darkpaw got off of Wolfpaw and let him get up. Both apprentices were panting, they both had put great fights. Darkpaw felt his limbs burn, Wolfpaw wasn't lying, he was a great fighter! Wolfpaw's sides heaved as he gulped down air, his amber gaze met Darkpaw's and he smiled, his eyes bright.

"Thanks Crimsonclaw." Darkpaw smiled at his mentor.

"Let's get back to camp. You both have done great work today." Nightfire meowed, his black orange-tipped tail swishing through the grass. They all nodded and followed Nightfire as he led the way back to FoxClan's camp.

The group padded through the prickly camp entrance. Nightfire and Crimsonclaw went off to talk about training ideas, leaving Darkpaw and Wolfpaw standing in the entrance to camp. They looked at each other and went off to lay near the Meeting Rock. Wolfpaw flopped on the ground, the sun giving his gray pelt a lighter shine. Darkpaw laid down next to him, the sun warming his black pelt and soothing his tired muscles.

"That training was awesome!" Darkpaw exclaimed, a purr rising in his throat.

"Agreed." Wolfpaw smiled, stretching out his legs. "I'm pretty sore now though."

"Same..." Darkpaw moaned, laying his head on his paws. 

Wolfpaw opened his jaws and tasted the air. His fur suddenly bristled in alarm, and his ears pricked up.

"What is it?" Darkpaw asked, sniffing the air. He felt his mouth fall agape. Wolfpaw stood up, facing the camp entrance. The bushes rustled, and for a moment everything was quiet. Then suddenly, a large group of cats burst their way into the camp. A tom cat had the cat on guard pinned to the ground. FoxClan's members were frozen in shock. Darkpaw wasn't paying any attention to their reactions. It was the cat leading the rogues that brought all the pain that he had been trying to escape for moons rushing back to him.

It was Scarfur.

His father.

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