Chapter 14

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Gore Warning! Don't read if you can't deal with gore!

Darkpaw's breath came out in raggedy gasps. He couldn't speak. He couldn't think. He was frozen. Pain's cold claws sunk into every inch of his body, chilling his bones and making with his fur stand on end.

Adderstar came running up from his burrow, his fur bristling and his tail lashing. His eyes widened at the scene in front of him. Stormhawk was standing near him, crouched slightly in an attack position.

"Miss me?" Scarfur bared his teeth in a twisted smile.

"Chestnutstar and I banished you moons ago! What are you doing here?" Adderstar sputtered in disbelief.

"To take revenge." Scarfur meowed, his tone like silk.

"Scarfur!" Darkpaw yowled, able to speak at last. He stepped forward so his father could see him clearly.

"Hello, son." Scarfur purred.

"I'm not your son!" Darkpaw yowled, his claws sliding out.

"Have you thought about how you felt when I killed your precious fox? You wanted to attack me then. Make me pay. Kill me." Scarfur hissed. Darkpaw stared at him, his mouth open and pain flowing through his veins. He had mentioned Firefox. "I have." Scarfur continued without an answer. "And I think you're a lot like me. Wanting to make cats pay for things they have done to you. Wanting to kill them for your revenge to be satisfied. You want these cats to respect you. You want to prove to them that you're more than they think."

"Shut up!" Darkpaw screamed, he squeezed his eyes shut, causing tears to flow slowly down his face. "I've just been trying to escape my past! I don't want to remember it!" He yowled. Deep down he knew that Scarfur had said exactly what he wanted. Darkpaw wanted respect and to prove himself.

"You can't escape your past Darkpaw... No matter how far you run, you can't escape who you are. You're my son." Scarfur hissed, his tail lashed.

Darkpaw felt anger boil up inside of him, he let out a battle cry and leapt at his father, his claws outstretched. Scarfur stepped to the side, Darkpaw hit the ground hard.

"What are you waiting for! Attack them!" Scarfur yowled at his band of rogues. The cats lurched forward, half-trampling Darkpaw as they went. Darkpaw got to his paws and gazed around at the scene unfolding before him.

Wolfpaw was grappling with a large tabby rogue. Crimsonclaw was attacking two at once. Swanfeather was standing protectively in front of the Medicine Cat's burrow, her back arched in fury. Adderstar and Stormhawk were defending each other's backs, twisted and clawing as if they were dancing like a pair of squirrels. 

Darkpaw felt a paw rest on his shoulder. "See. This is what revenge looks like." Scarfur breathed in his ear. A shiver went down Darkpaw's spine. He dug his claws into the ground. "Ah, you want to kill me... give in to your ambition son, let it take control..." Scarfur's claws slid out and dug themselves into Darkpaw's shoulder, he felt blood well up around the wound. He winced in pain, letting out a small hiss. "Do it." Scarfur hissed, his fangs grazing Darkpaw's ear fur. 

Darkpaw's eyes narrowed and he spun around, slicing Scarfur's cheek open with his claws. Scarfur yowled, twisting away. Darkpaw looked down at his claws, they were glistening red. He felt strangely happy, exhilarated even. Scarfur hissed in fury and launched himself at his son, his claws reaching for him. Darkpaw leapt to meet him. They slammed into each other and fell to the ground in a pile of limbs and hisses of rage. Darkpaw sunk his claws into Scarfur's neck. Scarfur yowled and choked as blood started flowing out of his open jaws. Darkpaw felt his claws scrape bone just barely, before Scarfur kicked him hard in the stomach, throwing him off of him. Darkpaw scrambled to his paws. Blood pooled out of Scarfur's neck, but his amber eyes were still blazing with the exhilaration of the battle. 

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