Chapter 30

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The patrol of warriors trekked across the scarred fields, the sun was slowly making its way down toward the horizon.

Stormhawk was looking around, trying to catch a sight of red fur. Crimsonclaw was calling out Adderstar's name, his ears pricked for a response. Darkblood's eyes followed Wolfblaze, who was bounding up to one of closed tunnels. He raised an eyebrow as Wolfblaze leapt, scrambling his way up the curved side to the top. Stormhawk and Crimsonclaw had turned around, also watching Wolfblaze. 

"What are you doing, Wolfblaze?" Crimsonclaw asked. 

Wolfblaze stood tall, his head held up high as he surveyed the territory. After a few moments, Wolfblaze's fur stood on end, his eyes widened in surprise. The gray warrior seemed to start bouncing on his paws like a hopping bunny. 

"I see him! It's Adderstar! He's over there!" Wolfblaze yelled, pointing with his tail. 

"Show us." Stormhawk commanded, starting to run as Wolfblaze slid down the other side of the closed tunnel. 

Darkblood and Crimsonclaw hared after the fast moving cats.

Darkblood's heart sped up as Adderstar came into sight. The FoxClan leader was sprawled on his side, against a twoleg territory marker, pieces of hay scattered over his fur, there was smear of blood on his forehead and his legs looked splayed, as if he had been thrown into the marker.

Stormhawk was crouched next to his, nudging him with his nose. 

Darkblood felt fear chill him to the bone, he bounded up to his fallen leader.

"Adderstar..? Can you hear me..?" Darkblood bent down close to Adderstar's ear.

"Adderstar?" Stormhawk's voice was growing more urgent. 

Darkblood and Stormhawk shared a quick glance, the same fear shining in both pairs of amber eyes. It was, as if for once, the two toms hatred had disappeared. 

Darkblood drew his eyes back down to Adderstar's still face. "You told you wouldn't go to StarClan today.. The clan is safe.... I did what you asked.." His voice was barely a whisper. It was then that Darkblood realized he was trembling. Darkblood wanted to curl into Adderstar's fur like a frightened kit. He wanted nothing more, in that moment, than for Adderstar to wake up.

What about being leader? Being a great warrior that will make FoxClan feared? Darkblood heard Shadowripple hiss in his mind. 

There will be time for that... It's not Adderstar's time... Not yet! Darkblood growled the last bit.

"You-You said that the clan was... safe...?" 

The patrol let out gasps of relief. Adderstar's eyes were open a hair, the green color was able to seen. 

"Adderstar! Yes, yes I did!" Darkblood choked out. Happiness was clogging up his airways.

A small smile touched Adderstar's lips. "Good... Thank you, Darkblood..."

"We should get you back to camp." Stormhawk meowed. 

Adderstar nodded, his eyes slipping closed again. His breathing was slow and even, as if he was at peace. 

"I can help you carry him." Crimsonclaw said, coming to help Stormhawk get the leader onto his shoulders.

"Is that another clan cat?" Wolfblaze broke the moment. Darkblood followed his gaze. On DuskClan's side of the border, a brown tom, was watching them.

Darkblood eyes widened as he recognized the tom as Pinepaw.

"You guys can go on ahead and take Adderstar back to camp." Darkblood told his patrol. "I'll go and check out what DuskClan wants."

"Okay." Wolfblaze replied. 

"I'll be back before nightfall." Darkblood promised. 

With a nod of his head, Darkblood turned and bounded off toward his apprentice. Darkblood came to halt when he reached the border.

"What is name of StarClan happened?" Pinepaw demanded almost immediately.

Darkblood took a moment to catch his breath before explaining. Pinepaw's eyes kept growing wider with concern the more Darkblood spoke.

"Is your clan okay now?" Pinepaw asked, wrapping his tail around his paws.

Darkblood nodded.

Pinepaw's eyes narrowed as if he was thought.

"What is it, Pinepaw?" Darkblood asked, softly.

"Well... This gave me a idea on how to make DuskClan stronger..."

"And what's that?" 

"Since Leaf-bare's on the way, perhaps I could convince Cherrystar to slowly push her way into the other clan's territories." Pinepaw's eyes were now shining with excitement.

"Which clan are you intending...?" Darkblood's eyes narrowed with suspicious, his voice barely dropping to a growl.

Pinepaw noticed this. "I-I'm not sure. Hopefully not CreekClan or FoxClan, but I'm just an apprentice, I'm not sure if Cherrystar would listen to my preference on which clan to go for." The brown apprentice shuffled on his paws.

"That's a good plan, Pinepaw." Darkblood praised, after a moment. Pinepaw looked up in surprise. "This is what you've been training with me for, you have a chance to make DuskClan strong again." 

"But you're of another clan, Darkblood. What do you think about an enemy rising?" Pinepaw pressed.

"You are not my enemy, Pinepaw." Darkblood murmured. "I trust you, if this is what you want to do to make your clan strong, then you go and do it. Don't worry about FoxClan, we can face whatever is thrown at us." 

A smile grew on Pinepaw's lips. "Thank you, Darkblood. You're a great mentor to me."

And with that, Pinepaw turned and disappeared into the pines, leaving Darkblood to catch up with his clanmates and injured leader.

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