Chapter 44

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A voice reached his ears and Darkblood slowly opened his eyes, the feeling of sleep leaving his body.

"Darkblood? Good morning!"

The warrior glanced up from where he lay in his nest, and Darkblood saw Wolfblaze sitting a little beside him.

"How long have you been up?" Darkblood replied, a little groggy still. His mouth stretched in a yawn as Wolfblaze answered him.

"I woke up a little before you. It's dawn, but I thought you could use some sleep after yesterday."

Darkblood shook his head slightly, pulling himself up into a sitting position. He tried to not think of yesterday very much but his mind brought up a little, despite himself.

"I'm doing better." He answered.

"That's good." A smile appeared on Wolfblaze's face and Darkblood stretched out his muscles from where he sat.

Darkblood stayed silent for a moment before Wolfblaze spoke up again.

"I was thinking we could train the apprentices in beginner hunting tactics today."

"Together?" Darkblood asked, sending his friend a look.

"That's what we have been doing." Wolfblaze reminded him.

Darkblood nodded after a moment, his mind going back to his own apprenticeship. Then his mind shifted to when he was a mentor to two such apprentices, when he trained them both.

Stop. He told himself. Not now.

"That's a good idea." He forced himself to say, meeting Wolfblaze's gaze.

"We should go tell them then." Wolfblaze got to his paws and Darkblood followed after a few moments.

As the two warriors padded upwards out of the burrow, the dawn light spilled out onto the clearing, making the camp look bright.

Darkblood padded alongside Wolfblaze as they both walked in silence toward the Apprentice's Burrow.

They ducked inside and Darkblood caught sight of the two siblings. Being the only two apprentices in FoxClan at the moment, the two of them were curled up near each other in their own separate nests.

Surprising himself, Darkblood felt his heart warm at the moment he was watching. He froze as Wolfblaze stepped forward to wake his apprentice.

What am I doing...? Why...?

His thought was cut off as Wolfblaze spoke.


The gray furred apprentice stirred in his nest. He blinked open his eyes a few times as he awoke. Glancing up at his mentor and then to his sister, Stonepaw opened his mouth.

"Sunpaw? Hey, wake up."

"Huh, what?" Sunpaw raised her head and looked at Stonepaw, before her gaze traveled to the two warriors in the den, which caused her to sit upright, followed by her brother after a moment.

"Good morning, you two." Wolfblaze said. "Darkblood and I were thinking we could teach you hunting tactics to get you started this morning. Are you two ready or do you need some time to wake up first?"

"No, I'm ready!" Sunpaw meowed, stealing a glance in Darkblood's direction. He closed his eyes for a moment, as her blue eyes met his.

She's not Silverpaw...

"Stonepaw?" Wolfblaze turned to his apprentice.

"I am ready, but I could maybe use some breakfast first." The apprentice admitted.

Darkstar's Wrath - A Faith's Journey Super EditionWhere stories live. Discover now