Chapter 16

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Darkpaw padded up to a ditch near a Thunderpath. He was on the edge of FoxClan's territory. 

The sun's light reflected off the rippling surface of the clear rain water that was pooling in the ditch. 

Darkpaw half-walked, half-slid down the side of the slope and flinched as the cold water curled around his ankles. He sat down and brought his paw up out of the water. The water was turning a crimson red as it dribbled down his ankle and splashed back into the ditch. Darkpaw began rubbing his paws with water, causing it to turn murky red. 

After his claws and paws were clean, Darkpaw gave his paws a few licks. He caught a glimpse of his reflection, he turned his head to the side. He did indeed have a small scar on his cheek. Darkpaw glanced down at the large scar across his chest, and he twitched his ear as he looked at the nick it had in his reflection. His mind whirled back to when Scarfur had clawed him there after he saw him murder Firefox. Darkpaw shuddered, crawling out of the ditch. He gave himself a shake. Don't think about it... You took care of Scarfur! Darkpaw gave his pelt another shake and he bounded back to FoxClan's camp. 

Darkpaw pushed his way through the thorn bushes that guarded FoxClan's camp. The thorns tugged at his black pelt. Darkpaw spotted Crimsonclaw sitting near the Prey Pile munching on a plump mouse. Darkpaw ran over to him. The run back to camp had dried his paws off.

"Hey Crimsonclaw!" Darkpaw meowed, skidding to a halt in front of his mentor. The red fox turned toward him.

"Hey Darkpaw, where have you been this morning?" His mentor asked, swallowing a mouthful or mouse meat.

"I was washing myself off since Swanfeather wasn't any help..." Darkpaw muttered as he said the medicine cat's name.

"Oh well, you look cleaner than you did last night." Crimsonclaw replied, giving his apprentice a smile.

"Thanks...?" Darkpaw said, cocking an eyebrow at his mentor. 

Crimsonclaw swallowed down the rest of his mouse and drew his tongue over his jaws.

"What are we doing today?" Darkpaw asked, flicking his tail back and forth across the rocky grass.

"Hunting practice." Crimsonclaw replied, standing up. "We're joining a patrol." 

"Cool!" Darkpaw smiled. Does the Dark Forest teach cool hunting tactics...?  I might have to ask Shadowripple.

"They're right over there." Crimsonclaw said, flicking his fluffy tail in the direction of Duskheart, a dark brown tom with a light brown chest, chin, and belly with greenleaf grass eyes, and Sagetalon, a brown tabby with white paws and sage green eyes. The two warriors were brothers. "Come on Darkpaw." Crimsonclaw padded over to where the two brothers were talking next to the Warrior's burrow. Darkpaw followed after his mentor.

"Ah Crimsonclaw. Ready to head out?" Sagetalon asked as they reached them.

"Mhm." Crimsonclaw nodded. 

"Let's go hunt then." Duskheart meowed, leading the patrol out of camp.

The patrol was hunting near the small border they shared with DuskClan. Duskheart and Sagetalon were crouched side-by-side, their ears twitching to pick up any sound of movement. Darkpaw opened his jaws and tasted the air. The scent of squirrel hit the roof of his mouth. Darkpaw crouched down and keep his tail still. He searched for the squirrel, his eyes darting around. There it was! The squirrel was nibbling on an pine cone that had fallen from a nearby pine tree. Darkpaw crept forward slowly, weaving through the lush grass. The squirrel gnawed at the pine cone, crunching down on it with its small teeth. Darkpaw slid out his claws when he was a about a fox-length away from it. He dug them into the ground and leapt. The squirrel let out a startled squeak when Darkpaw landed on its furry back. He dug his claws into the squirrel's small shoulders, pinning it to the ground. Darkpaw bit down on the squirrel's exposed neck and the animal went limp. Darkpaw released his grip and picked up his catch in his jaws. Warm blood flowed from its neck wound into Darkpaw's mouth. It tasted good. He carried it over to where the rest of his patrol was. Darkpaw dropped his catch on the ground at his paws.

"Nice catch Darkpaw!" Crimsonclaw praised, his eyes shining. Darkpaw dipped his head in thanks.

"Good job!" Sagetalon mewed, giving Darkpaw a smile. 

"Nice work." Duskheart said, before pouncing on a mouse. The mouse squeaked as Duskheart landed on it. Darkpaw turned back to trying to find more prey. He scented the air, quickly picking up the scent of mouse. Darkpaw saw it eating a small patch of grass near him. He leaped on it. The mouse squeaked and Darkpaw snapped its spine, killing it instantly. He dropped it next to the squirrel he had caught. Crimsonclaw gave him a nod of approval before beginning to stalk a vole.

The patrol padded into camp with their catches in their jaws. Duskheart had caught a mouse, Sagetalon had caught two mice, Crimsonclaw had caught a mouse and a vole, and Darkpaw had caught a squirrel and a mouse. The group dropped their catches off on the Prey Pile. Darkpaw drew his tongue over his jaws.

"Are we going to do anything else today, Crimsonclaw?" The black-furred tom asked. 

Crimsonclaw shook his head. "No, we're not."

"Alright then. Am I free to go?" Darkpaw replied.

"Yes, you are." Crimsonclaw flicked his tail at Darkpaw. Darkpaw dipped his head to Crimsonclaw and padded off.

Darkpaw walked down in the Apprentice's burrow to find Wolfblaze sitting in the den by Darkpaw's nest. Darkpaw's eyes widened. Wolfblaze was a warrior now. What was he doing in here? 

Wolfblaze turned around, his amber eyes bright.

"Hi...?" Darkpaw meowed awkwardly.

"Hey. I though you could use some company, seeing as you're the only apprentice right now and all." Wolfblaze smiled, waving his fluffy tail around the empty den. 

Darkpaw smiled, a purr escaping his lips. "Thanks Wolfblaze." He murmured, padded up to his friend. Wolfblaze smiled back and licked Darkpaw on the head. 

Darkpaw curled himself up in the soft moss of his nest. Wolfblaze bit his lip and laid down next to him, his fluffy, warm gray pelt pressing against Darkpaw's black one.

"So, how was training today?" Wolfblaze asked. 

"Pretty good, I caught a couple things on the hunting patrol I was on." Darkpaw explained, pawing at the moss beneath his feet.

"Nice." Wolfblaze meowed.

Darkpaw rested his head on Wolfblaze's shoulder, he closed his eyes.

"I am sorry I missed your warrior ceremony..." He whispered. Darkpaw felt really bad. He had missed it because of what one cat had said! A medicine cat at that! He felt Wolfblaze's muzzle press against his nicked ear. 

"It's okay Darkpaw." Wolfblaze murmured, his breath hot on Darkpaw's ear fur. "You had stuff going on. I get that." He paused. "Hey Darkpaw..." Wolfblaze said, giving his friend a nudge. 

Darkpaw opened his eyes and looked into Wolfblaze's amber eyes. "Yeah...?"

"Don't let those cats get to you. You're so much than they think." Wolfblaze murmured. "Don't let them drag you down. There are cats and foxes here for you." Wolfblaze said, twitching his ears. Darkpaw nodded and nuzzled Wolfblaze's chin with his nose. A purr rose in Wolfblaze's throat.

"Thanks Wolfblaze..." Darkpaw whispered, laying his head on his paws. Wolfblaze wrapped his tail around Darkpaw's body and the gentle sound of Wolfblaze's breathing lulled Darkpaw to sleep.

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