Chapter 10

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Darkpaw padded back into the camp with his jaws laden with his catches , which included two mice, and a vole. 

"You did a good job hunting Darkpaw. I'm still surprised that Wolfpaw taught you how to hunt." Crimsonclaw meowed.

Darkpaw set his pieces of prey down on the Prey Pile.

"He kinda offered me training out of nowhere. It was at night too." Darkpaw replied, smiling, as he thought of Firefox offering to train him.

"Hmm." Crimsonclaw mumbled. "You can take a break, I'll be taking you out again later for battle training. You've seemed to have calmed down after that lesson." 

"Really? Awesome!" Darkpaw meowed, his claws twitching in anticipation.

Crimsonclaw nodded his head and padded away.

Excitement was flowing through Darkpaw's veins like a raging river. This is what he was waiting for!

Maybe Wolfpaw could actually give me some fighting training... Darkpaw thought with a laugh.

"Hey Darkpaw! How was training?" 

Speak of the StarClan cats! 

"Hey Wolfpaw!" He meowed, turning to face his friend. "Training was awesome! Surprisingly it came easy to me!" 

Thanks to Firefox... He smiled to himself.

"Really? Cool. Nightfire had to show me the crouch a couple times before I got it. I've always been better at fighting than hunting." Wolfpaw chuckled.

"That sounds like you!" Darkpaw laughed, nodding at Wolfpaw's scar across his eyelid.

Wolfpaw snorted and pawed him playfully in the shoulder.

"Did you end up clawing Stormhawk?" Darkpaw asked.

Wolfpaw shook his head sadly.

"I tried to but he saw me with my paw raised and I raced away."

"Darn." Darkpaw muttered, clawing up the grass beneath his paws.

"I know." Wolfpaw let out a loud sigh. "Want to share a mouse with me?" He asked, his amber eyes lighting up.

"Sure! I'm pretty hungry after that training session." Darkpaw replied.

Wolfpaw hooked a mouse with his claw and let it fall in between them.

Darkpaw reached out to take the first bite but Wolfpaw pushed his muzzle away with his paw.

"You don't get the first bite, I do." Wolfpaw said, bluntly.

Darkpaw raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" He asked, a smirk creeping onto his face.

"Yes it is." Wolfpaw smirked, amusement dancing in his amber eyes.

Darkpaw's smirk widened as he shot his muzzle forward. Wolfpaw grabbed the mouse by its tail and pulled it away from Darkpaw. Darkpaw's muzzle came in quick contact with the ground. He sat up, sitting grass and small pebbles from his mouth.

"You jerk..." He growled, sputtering.

Wolfpaw just laughed, his eyes closed, as if he were savoring the moment.

Darkpaw took it as an opportunity. His paw darted forward and snagged the mouse from in between Wolfpaw's claws. He took a big bite and tossed it back to Wolfpaw. Wolfpaw opened his eyes and looked down.

"Wha-" He said, as his eyes landed on the bitten part.

Darkpaw sat back on his hunches and smirked at him. Wolfpaw glared at him, his eyes narrowed. He let out a hiss. Darkpaw leaned in and nuzzled Wolfpaw in the shoulder with his nose. 

"Mouse-brain..." He purred.

Wolfpaw rolled his eyes and took a bite of the mouse.

"Go lick up some mouse-bile, you pile of fox-dung." He growled, but Darkpaw could see a playful glint in his eyes.

"Pfft." He snorted.

A smile played on Wolfpaw's lips as he pushed the mouse toward Darkpaw. Darkpaw smiled and gulped down a couple bites. Wolfpaw snagged the last of the mouse and swallowed it down.

"Darkpaw! Battle training come on!" Crimsonclaw called from next to the camp entrance.

"Oh. See ya Wolfpaw!" Darkpaw meowed, waving with his tail.

"Bye!" Wolfpaw replied, returning the wave.

Darkpaw bounded over to where Crimsonclaw was waiting for him.

"Alright I'm ready!" He meowed to his mentor.

"Okay. Follow me." Crimsonclaw replied, leading the way out of camp.

They came to the top of the small slope that led down into the Training Dip. Crimsonclaw padded down the slope with Darkpaw on his tail.

Crimsonclaw stood in the center of the hollow. Darkpaw sat down in front of him, wrapping his tail around his paws.

"Alright Darkpaw, today I'm just going to teach you a few simple moves to get you going." Crimsonclaw explained.

"Okay." Darkpaw replied, disappointment swirling around inside of him. He wanted to learn the big attack moves.

"This first move is called the Front Paw Blow. It's a frontal attack, bring your paw down hard on your opponent's head. Keep your claws sheathed." Crimsonclaw said. He darted forward and slammed his paw hard on Darkpaw's head. Darkpaw's vision blurred and he stumbled backwards. He let out a irritated hiss. He darted forward and Crimsonclaw's gaze followed him, his paw was up, ready for another attack.

I need a new plan... Darkpaw thought. He had a sudden thought, Darkpaw ran to the side and came up on Crimsonclaw's right. Darkpaw raised his paw up and slammed it down on his mentor's head.

Crimsonclaw backed up a few paces, shaking his head back and forth.

"That was good Darkpaw! Quick thinking with the darting tactic!" He praised, smiling.

"Thanks!" Darkpaw beamed, licking his chest fur.

"Okay this next move is similar to the Front Paw Blow. It's called the Front Paw Slash or Forepaw Slash. It's also a frontal attack, you slice downward with your front paws at the face or body of your opponent." Crimsonclaw explained. "You claws are out when performing this move in a real battle but since this is just practice, keep your claws sheathed. You can try it me first this time." 

Darkpaw raised an eyebrow at his mentor, thinking he was joking. Crimsonclaw showed no signs of messing with him, he simply looked at his apprentice, waiting for him to attack. Darkpaw took a couple quick steps toward his mentor and sliced downward on Crimsonclaw's shoulder.

Crimsonclaw let out a hiss, and Darkpaw took a couple steps back. Had he hurt Crimsonclaw? Crimsonclaw turned his body and examined his shoulder. There was blood welling up where the claw marks were. 

Darkpaw's mouth fell open in shock. His claws had not been sheathed.

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