Chapter 45

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Darkblood quickly ducked as a sheathed paw came flying towards his muzzle. He twisted to the left, rolling onto his back and out of the way. With lighting speed, he shot back to his paws a tail length away from his attacker. Narrowing his eyes and panting, Darkblood met the gaze of Stonepaw, who was slightly crouched in front of him.

"That was a good try, Stonepaw." Wolfblaze announced, from where he sat at the side of the Training Dip.

"Thanks." Stonepaw called, relaxing his stance as he turned to his mentor.

Darkblood saw an opening and readied himself. Gathering his paws just under him, he sprung, landing squarely on Stonepaw's back. He wrestled the smaller cat to the ground, and planted a single paw on the young tom's throat.

"And that is why you don't turn around..." Wolfblaze sighed, jokingly.

Stonepaw let out a cough, shaking his head a little.

Darkblood pulled back and let the apprentice get to his paws.

"Could you teach us how to do that?" Stonepaw asked him, once he caught his breath.

"Stonepaw, I'm not your mentor." Darkblood reminded him.

"And aren't we still teaching you two some more basic moves?" Wolfblaze pointed out.

"Darkblood's really good at fighting though." Sunpaw piped up. "And Stonepaw and I could learn some more advanced moves. Right?"

"Do you think you're ready for that?" Wolfblaze asked, glancing in Darkblood's direction.

Darkblood kept his gaze trained on Wolfblaze.

"It could help better prepare us for what's out there." Stonepaw spoke up.

It was quiet for a moment.

"The move I used on you Stonepaw, was similar to the Hold and Collapse. It's where you leap onto your enemy's back and use your front paws to hold their head in place. You then can use your back legs to knock your opponent's out from under them, causing them to fall to the ground." Darkblood explained to the apprentice.

"Since you both are still apprentices, you will probably have to use quite a bit of force." Wolfblaze reasoned. "Were we ever taught this move?" He asked, turning to look at Darkblood.

Darkblood stopped moving for a moment. The Dark Forest and Shadowripple pushed at his mind.

Why does everything still feel like it happened yesterday when I close my eyes...?

Darkblood took a deep breath, and without answering Wolfblaze, he continued.

"Stonepaw, you can try it on Wolfblaze."

Darkblood sent a glance at his friend, and Wolfblaze nodded.

"See how you do."

The gray apprentice padded over to where his mentor was sitting.

Wolfblaze rose to his paws when Stonepaw looked ready to begin.

The young tom looked over his shoulder at Darkblood and then back at Wolfblaze, who nodded to him.

Stonepaw crouched down, his belly fur brushing the ground. With a soft growl, he launched himself at Wolfblaze. Leaping over his head, Stonepaw landed on his mentor's back, digging his claws lightly into his fur for some grip. Flipping around, he wrapped his front paws around Wolfblaze's neck. Darkblood watched as Wolfblaze readied himself to try and throw Stonepaw off. Taking action, Stonepaw drew his back legs out from under his body and kicked hard at the back of Wolfblaze's hind legs. The scruffy warrior flinched but he dug his claws into the ground beneath them for more support and balance.

Darkstar's Wrath - A Faith's Journey Super EditionWhere stories live. Discover now