Chapter 47

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Darkblood sat alongside his other clanmates, who were gathered around Stormhawk. With Wolfblaze out on the dawn patrol still, Darkblood was meant to be on another patrol for the morning.

The few other warriors beside him chatted about the going-ons of the day while Darkblood remained quiet.

The black-pelted tom studied his claws for a moment, before Stormhawk spoke up, drawing the warriors to his attention.

Darkblood shifted in place as Stormhawk began to speak.

"Today, I'll be splitting you each into patrols." His amber gaze surveyed the group, resting on Darkblood for a quick moment. Darkblood met his gaze, his eyes narrowing.

"Mistberry. You, Nightfire, and Duskheart will be assigned to a hunting patrol. Sagetalon, Sorrelstripe, Hazelspring, the borders between our clan and the others need checked. Remark them if needed." Stormhawk turned to the rest of the cats. "Rabbitfoot and Goldenshade, hunting as well. Crimsonclaw, you will stay here and guard the camp. Wait for the dawn patrol to get back." His gaze came to rest on Darkblood again. "Darkblood, you will obey orders and follow me to the border with no-clans land. Also known as our border with the rogues. Understood?" The deputy said.

Nods and murmurs of agreement followed.

"Let's head out then." Stormhawk leapt down from where he sat, the gathered warriors dispersing around him.

Getting slowly to his paws, Darkblood padded after Stormhawk, unconsciously sensing that something was going to happen.

The walk to the border was one of silence. The nearer they got, Darkblood's heart began to thump against his chest, despite him trying to stop it.

"Listen up, you check one side of the border, I check the other, and we meet in the middle. We'll mark if we need to." Stormhawk told Darkblood once they arrived.

Darkblood looked at him.

"Or do you want your FernClan father's friends to come across the border? Wreak more havoc?" Stormhawk glanced over his shoulder from where he was beginning to pad in the direction of his side.

"Why are we here, Stormhawk?" Darkblood asked, beginning to growl. "What do you want?"

A satisfied smirk crossed Stormhawk's face and he turned back around, walking away again.

"Get to work, Darkblood." He said, not looking at the warrior this time.

Darkblood felt his claws slide out and he dug them into the hard ground.

What does he want? Darkblood thought, watching the retreating deputy's back.

Darkblood lashed his tail before turning and beginning to check his side of the border.

Coming to stop near Stormhawk, Darkblood had finished with his check of the border.

"Took you along enough." Stormhawk commented, sitting.

Darkblood stood still for a moment.

"You didn't answer my question."

"You think I have an ulterior motive for coming here, Darkblood?" The deputy rose to his paws and approached him. "You'd be right." Stormhawk came to a stop.

Darkblood's mouth parted slightly. "What? What are you talking about?"

"What do I want? What are we doing here? I want answers. That why's we're here. I can't figure you out, Darkblood. Why the clan trusts you. What you're doing when you're not putting the clan first. How loyal you really are to FoxClan. What can we except from a cat like you? What Darkblood?"

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