Chapter 50

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Darkblood sat near the Prey Pile, his tail curled around his front paws.

He watched as the last of his patrols left through the camp boundary.

Taking a deep breath, Darkblood swept his gaze around the clearing. He caught sight of Sunpaw and Stonepaw's forms over in front of the Medicine Cat den. Swanfeather stood beside them, looking like she was saying something, her brown eyes holding theirs. 

Rising to his paws, Darkblood padded in the direction of Swanfeather.

As he approached, Swanfeather looked up. Looking like she took a deep breath before, she addressed him.

"Darkblood." She began, glancing down at the apprentices briefly.

"What's going on here?" He asked, meeting her gaze.

A flicker of fear crossed Swanfeather's face but she answered.

"I was hoping to take the apprentices herb gathering today. I could use some help with it." Swanfeather explained.

The sound of approaching pawsteps caught Darkblood's attention and he turned to see Wolfblaze coming to a stop beside them.

"What were you thinking of, Swanfeather?" Wolfblaze asked in a calm tone.

"Taking Stonepaw and Sunpaw with me to help with gathering herbs." She answered him, meeting Wolfblaze's gaze.

Wolfblaze nodded, catching Darkblood's eye.

"I don't see why not." The warrior reasoned.

Darkblood met his gaze.

"That works then?" Swanfeather asked them.

Wolfblaze held Darkblood's gaze for a moment longer before nodding to Swanfeather. "Yes, go ahead."

"Don't keep them out for too long, Swanfeather." Adderstar told her, coming from the direction of the Meeting Rock, where he had been sitting. "The apprentices are going to be assessed today." He announced once he came to a stop.

The two apprentices shared an excited glance with one another.

Swanfeather held her leader's gaze briefly before looking away. Looking around at the rest of the group, she ducked her head.

"Thank you." She meowed, motioning for the apprentices to follow her.

Stonepaw and Sunpaw both glanced back at their mentors. After a moment, they turned and followed the medicine cat toward the camp entrance.

Darkblood looked up as the entrance to camp rustled. His patrols entered the camp, the hunting patrol returning with prey, and the border patrol returning with news.

"Darkblood." Sagetalon started once the border patrol approached him. "We checked and remarked our border with no-clans land while we were out patrolling."

Darkblood felt a wave of confusion rise in him.

"Adderstar told us to keep an eye on that border since Stormhawk's death." Another cat on the patrol spoke up.

"That's all we have to report on." Sagetalon finished, with a quick look around at his patrol. 

Darkblood found himself nodding in reply and Sagetalon then turned and led his patrol away.

After a moment, Darkblood glanced over his shoulder toward Adderstar's den.

The rustling of the camp boundary brought his gaze back to in front of him.

Swanfeather padded into the camp with Stonepaw and Sunpaw padding side-by-side behind her.

Wolfblaze intercepted them as they padded toward Darkblood. He said something that Darkblood's ears couldn't pick up on. Once the short conversation had finished, the group turned and continued in Darkblood's direction.

Swanfeather stayed silent for a moment before dropping her bundle of herbs at her paws.

"They were a good help with the herb gathering." She explained to the two warriors.

"Is it time for our assessment?" Stonepaw asked from beside his sister.

Wolfblaze nodded.

"What are we being assessed on?" Sunpaw said.

Wolfblaze glanced over at Darkblood. "Hunting is what I was told." He meowed, looking back at the apprentices.

Looks of excitement crossed the apprentice's faces.

Swanfeather ducked her head to group, her gaze meeting Darkblood's briefly. She picked up her herbs from the ground and turned in the direction of her den.

"Are we starting now?" Sunpaw asked them.

"Yes. We are." Wolfblaze replied, a small smile crossing his face.

He then led the group out of camp.

A slight breeze ruffled the grass as the patrol arrived near the border with FernClan.

Darkblood came to a stop as did Wolfblaze and the two apprentices.

"You'll be showing us how well you hunt and catch prey during this assessment." Wolfblaze explained to Sunpaw and Stonepaw.

The apprentices nodded, and with a look at each other, they turned to begin their assessment. Sunpaw glanced over her shoulder toward Darkblood, her blue eyes bright. Then she bounded off in the opposite direction in search of prey.

Some time had passed and both apprentices had each caught a mouse to start off their assessment.

Darkblood looked at Wolfblaze as he watched Stonepaw. The gray furred apprentice was crouched nearby, holding his tail still, and his body was low to the ground. He crept forward, another field mouse in his sights. Opening his mouth, Stonepaw scented the air, and putting his paws down lightly with each step, he moved closer to the mouse. Bundling his legs under himself, Stonepaw leapt forward with a meow, landing squarely on the back of his catch. Using his paws to hold the mouse down, Stonepaw jerked to the side, snapping the mouse's neck in a swift movement.

"Nice catch!" Wolfblaze called to him from where he sat beside Darkblood.

Stonepaw lifted his head, his catch in his jaws. Sunpaw looked up from where she was, sending her brother an encouraging smile.

Stonepaw dropped his prey beside his other one and turned to continue hunting.

Darkblood's gaze shifted to Sunpaw. The yellow she-cat's blue eyes swept around the area, searching for something to hunt. A small gasp escaped her as she caught sight of a rabbit, hopping out into the open from the cover of the trees. Dropping to her stomach, Sunpaw froze in place, keeping a close eye on her possible prey. Slowly, she crept forward, with Darkblood noticing that her tail was wiggling in anticipation. As she passed by a longer tuft of grass, the tip of her tail brushed against it, alerting the rabbit to her presence. The rabbit's head shot up, its ears erect. Catching sight of Sunpaw, it took off.

"No!" Sunpaw gasped, taking off after the rabbit, her back paws kicking up earth. The two mentors and Stonepaw watched on as Sunpaw chased her prey. The rabbit skidded to a stop as it noticed the other cats. Sunpaw's claws caught it on the back, and she sunk her teeth into the back of its neck, causing the rabbit to go limp.

She's doing... well... Darkblood thought.

This time it was Stonepaw that spoke up.

"Good job, Sunpaw!"

Sunpaw sent her brother a grateful smile before she turned back to the task at paw.

The group of mentors and apprentices padded through the camp entrance. Stonepaw and Sunpaw were carrying their catches in their mouths and Wolfblaze led the way to the Fresh Kill Pile.

Adderstar met the group there and the apprentice's dropped their prey on top of the pile.

"It looks like they did well." Adderstar commented, looking down at the outcome.

Both Wolfblaze and Darkblood nodded.

Adderstar gave them an approving look. "We'll have more assessments to test their abilities in the coming days."

Darkblood watched as the apprentices both looked excited and hopeful.

Darkstar's Wrath - A Faith's Journey Super EditionWhere stories live. Discover now