Chapter 8

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Darkpaw and Crimsonclaw thrust their way through the prickly shrubs that guarded FoxClan's camp. 

Darkpaw had had fun and learned more about the territory but the grief that resurfaced for Firefox didn't seem to leave him. He took a deep breath and looked around the camp. The sun was starting to dip toward the horizon and some of the Clan was out in the clearing, eating the prey that the hunting patrols had provided.

"I'll take you out again tomorrow, alright Darkpaw?" Crimsonclaw said.

"Okay, I can't wait!" Darkpaw meowed, his tail swishing back and forth in excitement. Crimsonclaw smiled and padded off toward another warrior to settle down and eat.

"Hey Darkpaw!" 

Darkpaw turned around.

"Hey Wolfpaw!"

Wolfpaw pressed his scruffy, wolf-like, pelt against Darkpaw's.

"Want to get something to eat with me? We could talk about what your tour of the territory was like!" Darkpaw's gray-furred friend asked.

"Sure!" Darkpaw replied and padded toward the Prey Pile near the Meeting Rock.

He grabbed a plump mouse and sat down. Prey was plentiful, it was Green-Leaf in the territory's of the four clans. Wolfpaw sat down across from him, with a rabbit at his paws. 

"So, how was your tour?" Wolfpaw asked, digging into his rabbit.

"Okay..." Darkpaw replied and took a bite of his mouse.

Wolfpaw swallowed and looked at him.

"Just okay?" 

"Crimsonclaw took me to the FernClan border...." Darkpaw murmured, his head down.

"He did!?" Wolfpaw exclaimed. 

Darkpaw nodded his head slowly.

"I'd rather not talk about it, honestly..." He told Wolfpaw.

Darkpaw felt Wolfpaw's tail rest on his shoulder.

"I can respect that." He whispered. Darkpaw glanced up, his friend's amber eyes were full of concern but also understanding.

"Thanks..." Darkpaw replied. He finished off the last of his mouse in a few bites and drew his tongue over his muzzle. "I'm just going to head to bed..."

"Night." Wolfpaw said, flicking his tail across Darkpaw's shoulder.

Darkpaw scraped together the remains of his prey and discarded them, he padded over to the Apprentice's den. 

Darkpaw curled into a nest in the corner of the den, he eventually let sleep over take him.

A soft breeze ruffled Darkpaw's fur, the sun warmed his pelt. He felt a paw nudge him in the shoulder.

"Okay... Wolfpaw... I'm getting up..." He muttered, batting the paw away. He blinked open his eyes and glanced up. Instead of the the dirt roof of the Apprentice's den he saw clear sky with a couple white, fluffy clouds. "Where am I...?" He looked around, he was in FoxClan's territory. Everything had a blueish tint to it. "Star-StarClan..!?" Darkpaw stuttered. 

The breeze blew a sweet scent around him, wildflowers and fresh grass.

"Firefox!" Darkpaw called, whipping his head around in every direction.

He felt a tail lay on his back. He spun around and stared into the green eyes of the beautiful fox he missed so much. Firefox smiled down at him, tears pricking her eyes. 

Darkstar's Wrath - A Faith's Journey Super EditionWhere stories live. Discover now