Chapter 4

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Darkkit froze. He remained perfectly still in his crouching position. All the cats in Foxclan's patrol stared at Scarfur and Thornscar. 

"You have no right to call him your son after what you did to me!" Thornscar snarled. 

Scarfur was still smirking, as he looked at Thornscar's enraged face. 

"He is my son though, isn't he?" Scarfur retorted, sending a glance in Darkkit's direction. 

Adderstar walked up to Thornscar's side, grabbing her neck and turning her toward him.


Thornscar stared down at her paws. 

"Darkkit come here. I need to explain something..." Thornscar's voice was strangely soft. 

Darkkit stayed where his was. He felt a nudge on his back, he turned and saw Wolfpaw standing behind him.

Darkkit got to his paws and slowly walked over to where his mother was standing.

Thornscar sent a glance at Adderstar and nodded at Scarfur. Adderstar shook his head. 

Scarfur's gaze flickered between them before it flitted over to Darkkit.

Darkkit tensed. He took in Scarfur's image. They were identical...

Thornscar cleared her throat.

"Many moons ago, I went out into Foxclan's territory for some solo hunting and I came across a dog. I crept up on it to investigate but it saw me. It was huge and it's teeth looked as sharp are thorns.." Thornscar shuddered and closed her eyes. Scarfur reached his tail over the border and brushed it along Thornscar's cheek. Thornscar's green eyes blinked open and she sunk her teeth into Scarfur's tail. 

"Ow!" Scarfur growled, ripping his tail out of her grasp. 

"Anyway," Thornscar continued, turning back to Darkkit. "I spun around and ran as fast as my legs would carry me, but the dog was swift. It caught up with me and had me pinned to the ground, it's teeth were reaching for my throat. I thought I was going to go to Starclan that day, but I was wrong.." 

She stole a look at Scarfur, who smirked in reply. Thornscar rolled her eyes and continued her story. Darkkit was hanging on her every word. 

"This tom cat with black fur and amber eyes came out of nowhere and pushed the dog off of me and he told me to run. I did and he came back to me later. The cat explained to me that the dog was gone and I was safe. That was the day I met Scarfur."

Darkkit tried wrapping his head around all of the new information.

"Then what happened...." He manged to choke out.

Thornscar glanced at Scarfur. 

"I guess I'll take over." He said. "About a moon later, I met Thornscar at a gathering. We got to talking and I realized that I wanted to get to know her more, so I asked her to meet me at Four Birches again the night after and she agreed."

"Worse decision of my life..." Thornscar muttered under her breath.

"After that meeting we began meeting every night and I soon realized that I liked her, a lot..." 

"Says the player..." Thornscar growled. 

"Oh being a grumpy badger are we?" Scarfur laughed. 

Thornscar hissed. 

"I hate you." 

"Ouch. Love you too Honey." Scarfur smirked.

Darkkit sat listening intently. 

"At our next meeting Thornscar told me that she was expecting kits, my kits. I was stunned. I never intended for our relationship to go that far. I turned her away and told her that I wanted nothing to do with her." Scarfur said. 

"And that I could go raise those flee-bags myself." Thornscar added with a growl.

"I haven't seen her since then." Scarfur finished.

Darkkit took a deep breath. 

"Why were you so horrible to me Mom?" He asked, looking up at Thornscar. 

Thornscar sighed.

"You looked so much like Scarfur and every time I looked at you I relived that betrayal.." Thornscar whispered.

Darkkit looked down at his paws. 

"Darkkit's half-clan?" Stormhawk growled, breaking the silence.

Darkkit's head shot up.

"Yes.." Thornscar murmured.

Wolfpaw came up to Darkkit's side with a serious look on his face. 

"So what if he is?" Wolfpaw challenged Stormhawk.

Darkkit stared at the muscular gray apprentice as he glared up at Stormhawk.

Stormhawk blinked. 

"Ahem." Adderstar cleared his throat. 

All the cats and foxes turned their attention to the large, long-furred, red tom.

"What? Darkkit has always been loyal to us, and for the record he didn't know that he was half-clan until today." Wolfpaw argued, giving the patrol members a hard stare. 

Adderstar looked at the ground for a moment. He lifted his head back up.

"We will return to camp and discuss this. Scarfur, follow us." Addestar declared, motioning to Scarfur with his feathery tail.

The rest of the patrol along with Scarfur followed after Adderstar. Darkkit stayed where he was and he glanced over his shoulder at Firefox's body. He grasped her scruff between his teeth. Her weight was lifted by another, Darkkit glanced up and saw Wolfpaw holding onto her tail. Together the two cats carried their dead clan-mate back to camp. 

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