Chapter 22

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Darkpaw ducked into camp with excitement making his pelt frizzle. 

He saw Adderstar sitting on the Meeting Rock, his tail flicking back and forth. Stormhawk was sitting to the side, licking his wounds. 

A real warrior wouldn't lick their wounds like a kit. Darkpaw narrowed his eyes at the blue gray tom.

"Let all cats and foxes gather here beneath the Meeting Rock for a clan meeting!" Adderstar yowled. "We all know that warriors are the life-blood of any clan." The clan leader meowed once the clan was gathered. "Today, we will have a new warrior joining our ranks. Darkpaw," He waved with his tail and Darkpaw padded forward with his head held high. "You have trained for this moment for moons and you have proved yourself time and time again. Today, I feel, you are ready for your warrior name." Darkpaw felt his heart beat fast in his chest and his claws tingled. This is what I've waited for! "Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?" Adderstar leapt down from the rock and stood in front of Darkpaw. 

Darkpaw took a deep breath and met his leader's gaze. "I do."

"Then Darkpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Darkblood. StarClan honors your courage and fighting skill and we welcome you as a full warrior of FoxClan." Adderstar rested his head in top of Darkblood's, who in return drew his tongue over Adderstar's shoulder. 

Adderstar drew back as the clan began chanting, "Darkblood! Darkblood! Darkblood!"

Darkblood felt a body wind around his and he turned his head to see Shadowripple pressed against him, his shadowy tail wrapped around Darkblood's body, his eyes were gleaming with pride. 

Another faint scent reached Darkblood as a soft green-leaf breeze blew it toward him. He closed his eyes and felt a small smile tug at his lips. The scent was grass mixed a hint of wildflowers. He opened his eyes to see Swanfeather padding frantically, over to where Adderstar was standing near his den. But for once, Darkblood didn't care. 

Crimsonclaw came bounding up to him and Shadowripple faded away until only his scent hung in the air. "I'm so proud of you, Darkblood!" Crimsonclaw pressed his muzzle into Darkblood's neck. "It's been an honor to train you."

"I couldn't ask for a better mentor." Darkblood replied, taking in the two scents wreathing around him like mist.

Darkblood paced in front of the camp's entrance, the moon bathing the camp in a milky white light. His vigil as a warrior had begun.

"You've done well." A voice purred.

Darkblood spun around, his claws unsheathed, to see Shadowripple slipping out of the shadows. He slid his claws back in and nodded to his Dark Forest mentor.

"Thank you, Shadowripple." 

"You may be a warrior in the living world but you're still an apprentice in the Dark Forest." Shadowripple growled. 

Suddenly, the camp around them faded into the misty, dark forest. 

Darkblood blinked in surprise. "Am I still awake?"

"Yes you are, I just had to bring you here for your assessment." Shadowripple waved his tail at the clearing around them.


"To see if you're ready for the title of warrior in the Dark Forest." Shadowripple explained. "There's someone who wishes to help me with this assessment."

Darkblood glanced around. "Who?"

Shadowripple nodded to someone in the gloom. A cat stepped out, his amber eyes shining in the darkness. Darkblood let out a growl and leapt at the tom. The cat beneath him gazed up at him, his lips twisted into a smile. 

"Hello Darkblood. It's been awhile hasn't it, son?" Scarfur said.

"Not long enough." Darkblood snarled, planting a paw on Scarfur's exposed neck.

"Are you going to kill me before this assessment?" Scarfur laughed as Darkblood sunk his claws into his father's throat, causing blood to drip from the wound.

Darkblood stepped back after a few moments and let Scarfur get up. "You're already dead." He growled.

"This assessment is to test your fighting skills. I want you to attack Scarfur." Shadowripple nodded to the older black-furred tom.

With pleasure.. Darkblood thought as he bared his teeth in a snarl. 

He ran forward, landing a blow on Scarfur's face. Scarfur twisted around and sunk his teeth into Darkblood's tail. Darkblood spun around and twisted to the side, clawing open Scarfur's belly. He lashed out with his back legs and sent Scarfur flying into a tree. Scarfur scrambled to his paws and Darkblood ran forward, his claws slashing at Scarfur. Scarfur ducked and slid under his son's belly, pushing up as he went and knocking Darkblood off balance. Darkblood turned and sunk his teeth into the back of Scarfur's neck, wrapping his front paws around the black tom's throat. Darkblood pulled him to the ground and planted his back paws on either side of his father, who was struggling beneath him. Darkblood bit down harder until he felt Scarfur relax. Darkblood gave his neck a final bite before backing away. Scarfur stood up and faced his son, amber eyes meeting amber eyes, and both black pelts prickling.

"I'd say you're ready, Darkblood." Shadowripple purred, padding up to his apprentice. He touched his muzzle to Darkblood's ear and his breath tickled his ear fur. "I now name you a warrior of the Dark Forest."

Darkblood closed his eyes and when he opened them again, the Dark Forest was fading back into FoxClan's camp and Shadowripple and Scarfur along with the shadowy woods, and Darkblood was left in the moon-lit clearing, with his father's blood running red over his claws and dripping onto the grass.

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