Chapter 51

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The pine trees loomed in the distance as Stonepaw tried to land a blow on his sister's shoulder. Sunpaw dodged it, rolling to the side. She got to her paws and looked over at her brother, her blue eyes assessing what to do next.

Darkblood, out of the corner of his eye, noticed Adderstar watching the battle assessment. The leader's eyes were focused on the fighting apprentices, as he waited to see the outcome.

A surprised meow broke Darkblood's gaze. Sunpaw had landed on top of Stonepaw, his paws facing her exposed stomach. As Sunpaw batted his ears with sheathed paws, Stonepaw brought his up and churned them against Sunpaw's pale belly.

Sunpaw jumped away and Stonepaw got to his paws, turning to face his sister. Darting forward, he caught Sunpaw off guard, hooking a paw around one of hers and causing her to fall to the ground.

Sunpaw leaned forward and fastened her teeth lightly around Stonepaw's leg. Stonepaw tried to back up but Sunpaw held on.

At last, Stonepaw shook her off. Padding a few paces back, he glanced over and met Wolfblaze's gaze, panting slightly.

Wolfblaze sent his apprentice a nod.

"Sunpaw wins this fight." The warrior announced, with Darkblood silently agreeing.

Sunpaw's face lit up and Stonepaw looked over at her.

"Maybe I taught you those fighting moves too well." He said to her.

Sunpaw laughed lightly, looking in the directions of Darkblood and Adderstar.

"Well?" Darkblood asked.

"They both did well." Adderstar responded.

"They did." Wolfblaze agreed, sending a rare smile toward the apprentices.

Darkblood nodded.

"What are we doing next?" Stonepaw asked, Sunpaw coming to stand beside him.

"I was thinking of a border patrol." Wolfblaze meowed, lifting a paw slightly.

Adderstar thought it over. "That's a good idea. They can show us how much they know."

Darkblood got to his paws and began to led the way, waving with his tail for the group to follow him.

"What border are we going to?" Sunpaw spoke up before they got too far.

"CreekClan's? We haven't had many patrols out there today." Wolfblaze said.

No cat objected, at least out loud. The patrol then headed in the direction of CreekClan's border.

The sound of the creek reached Darkblood's ears as they came to a stop at the border.

"Alright." Wolfblaze meowed, glancing at the length of the border.

"Which of you can tell me why we mark and patrol our borders?" Adderstar asked the apprentices, turning to look at them.

"We mark our borders to reinforce our scent and remind the other clans of where our territory begins." Stonepaw said, sitting up straight with his paws in front of him.

"And we patrol our borders like we do so we make sure our territory is safe." Sunpaw spoke up from beside Stonepaw.

Adderstar nodded approvingly.

Darkblood looked at the apprentices for a moment. They had grown in the time that he and Wolfblaze had been training them.

Somehow, it made him think of Pinepaw and Silverpaw.

The sound of approaching pawsteps caught the group's attention.

Turning in that direction, a patrol of CreekClan cats was padding toward the border. Among them was Silverpaw.

Darkstar's Wrath - A Faith's Journey Super EditionWhere stories live. Discover now