Chapter 28

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The rumbling grew fainter ever so slightly, as Darkblood and Sagetalon neared the camp. The air was now thick with the acrid scent of the twoleg monster.

"What will we do when we reach the camp?" Sagetalon asked, his legs pumping to propel him forward to match Darkblood's pace.

"We'll explain what's going on to the clan. Though they most likely know already, that monster doesn't know how to invade quietly. Then we'll get everyone out and underground to safety." Darkblood replied, his eyes trained in front of him, searching for signs of the camp boundary.

"And what about Adderstar..?" Sagetalon pressed, hesitating for a moment.

Darkblood's pace slowed just slightly. He turned his head to look over at Sagetalon. The brown tabby's eyes shown with concern and fear.

"He'll survive, Sagetalon. True warriors don't go down easy."

Sagetalon blinked at Darkblood and put on an extra burst of speed. Darkblood followed his action as they continued on toward FoxClan's camp.

The two warriors were met with Stormhawk and Crimsonclaw as they came to skidded halt just outside the entrance.

"There you guys are!" Crimsonclaw let out a breath he must have been holding.

"Where's Adderstar? And what in the name of StarClan is going on?" Stormhawk demanded.

"A twoleg monster has entered our territory and is tearing up our land. Adderstar told us to go back and get everyone to the various underground burrows while he tries to lead it away." Darkblood explained, catching his breath.

"And you let him go alone!" Stormhawk growled, taking a few threatened steps toward Darkblood.

"I tried to go with him! You don't think I didn't try to reason with him!" Darkblood shot back, anger boiling through him, as is did more these past few moons.

"You should have tried harder!" Stormhawk's voice had risen to a loud snarl.

"That's not important now, we're just wasting time arguing here! We have more important things to worry about!" Darkblood spat, his fur bristling.

Without another word to the deputy, Darkblood shoved past him and padded through the entrance of camp.

Most of the clan were out in the clearing, their ears pricked and their eyes showing unease. Darkblood cast a glance at the patrol that had filed in after him. Then he bounded toward the Meeting Rock, leaping onto it with a single bound.

He saw anger flare in Stormhawk's eyes but the dark warrior shook it off and called the clan to gather. 

"There's something that has happened and it presents a danger to our clan's safety." Darkblood started, slightly taken aback by how good it felt to be up here, addressing his clan. "A twoleg monster has entered out territory and it tearing up our land for it's own needs." Yowls and whispers of surprise and terror spread through the gathered clan. With a deep breath, Darkblood continued. "Adderstar told us to shelter in the underground burrows and tunnels."

"Where is Adderstar now? Didn't he go on patrol with you?" Mistberry asked from where she was pressed against Sagetalon, her tail wrapped protectively around her swollen stomach.

"He's attempting to lead the monster away so we can take shelter." Sagetalon explained, rising to his paws.

Yowls of shock rang around the camp, which was interrupted by another series of more severe vibrations. Darkblood clung to the Meeting Rock as the rest of the clan dug their claws into the ground and others crouched to maintain their balance.

There were a few second of silence once the vibrations had ceased. Darkblood slowly straightened up as the rest of the clan had done. Many cats were gazing around with frightened eyes and their fur fluffed up.

Darkblood's eyes flickered to Wolfblaze, who had risen to his paws. His head was held high and his eyes shown with determination as he met Darkblood's amber gaze. "Where do we start with this plan?" He asked.

Darkblood felt a surge of pride flow through his body. Wolfblaze was with him! 

"Well, if we were to take shelter outside of camp, we might not have enough time to find burrows to wait out in." Darkblood paused. "So I purpose, that we shelter here in camp. We can burrow deep in the dens and wait this out."

"Won't the monster's claws tear through the entrances, if it reached the camp?" Sorrelstripe, a white she-cat with a light brown stripe running down from the tips of her ears to the end of her tail, asked, her amber eyes blinking thoughtfully. 

"We can cover the den entrances with stones and thorn vines, that might hold the monster back. Also, if we stay as far away from the entrance holes as we can, then no cat will get seriously hurt." It was Crimsonclaw who spoke this time. He had stood also, his red fur shining in the sun-high leaf-fall light.

"Great suggestion, Crimsonclaw." Darkblood ducked his head to his former mentor. "Alright, I want Crimsonclaw and Wolfblaze to help get everyone underground. Duskheart, do you think you and Sagetalon could round up some patrols to collect thorn vines and rocks?"

"I can, but only after I make sure Mistberry is safe and protected." Sagetalon replied, wrapping his tail around his mate's shoulders.

Darkblood nodded, feeling a rush of understanding for the tabby tom. For, he would have done the same for Firefox if she was still alive.

"What about Stormhawk? He is FoxClan's deputy after all, he can help with protecting the clan." Swanfeather put in, flicking her tail toward the blue-gray tom.

Darkblood's fur pricked for a moment before he replied. "Yeah. He can help with the entrance blocking patrols." His tone was flat as he answered the medicine cat's question.

"Let's get to work!" Wolfblaze yowled, waving his tail for Crimsonclaw to help him out with ushering the cats downward into the dens.

Cheers rose the gathered cats and Darkblood felt his heart swell with pride. His clan believed in him and what he was saying. A breeze blew through camp as the clan got to work, it was carrying a cat scent that Darkblood recognized. A smile slid onto Darkblood's lips as he could almost hear Shadowripple's meows of praise as the black tom leapt off the stone, ready to help his clan that believed in him for the first time in moons.

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