Asleep chapter 7

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*Harry's POV*

She really did look peaceful I can't find the words to explain how beautiful her face looked. It was almost as if she has never aged, her skin so soft and smooth. I know this sounds odd but, I can't help but think of her as if I love her as if she was already mine. I felt as if I should protect her from everything evil out in the world.

Liam pulled up exactly the time he said he would be here. He look at me a bit puzzled probably wondering who was the girl that I was holding in my arms. I slide into the backseat letting her lay her head on my lap.

He turned around and said " Harry are you alright? Who's this?"

I just look him straight in the eye and said " Liam I will be alright when I get back to my flat. I will explain I promise." He shook his head understanding.

I wasn't sure if i should be full of detail telling him what happened or should Amelia do that? Wait, no she probably does not want to talk about what just happened back there. No way.

We were in the car for 10 minutes tops when we reached my flat. I gently got out of the car and carried her in and took her straight up to my room. I decided that she would be more comfortable in one of my big T-shirts. I slipped her under the covers and kissed her forehead and whispered " goodnight love" with that i quietly went downstairs to a unpatient Liam.

He just looked at me the way he does and I said " Liam I was just going on a date with her. But, when we got to the beach a man named Jason came out of nowhere and took us both. He abused her Liam, I think he raped her." thats when I noticed She was there standing at the steps weeping.

"Amelia! come here please" I begged she just slowly sinked to the floor. I can't stand seeing her like this. " Amelia I want you to know that no matter what I am here for you, Come here love" I whispered to her.

She looked up at me with so much pain in her beautiful green eyes. she said " Harry, hold me please." I obeyed and held her so close to my heart she could probably hear it beat.

Liam looked down at me and said " good night Harry, Good night Amelia" and walked out.

We sat there for hours, she cried and shook and everytime she did I would just hold her tighter. She looked at the floor and whispered to were I could barley hear her " it's my fault , I'm so sorry Harry." No, I never want her to feel it is her fault I just said " Amelia THIS was not your fault, please don't ever say that agian."

She was starting to get tired so I carried her up to the bed and slide in beside her. I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms around her and held her for the night being. I felt as if this could be my life here, her.


I know I have short chapters but I have trouble writing long ones. I don't know why.


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thank you really :)


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