Liam? Chapter 11

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*Mia's POV*

He was right. I am nothing.

Harry walked out the door. He left me here sitting in my own despair.

I needed Harry, I really did. He cared enough to be here for me, just for me to turn and treat him like I didn't want him like he didnt matter to me.

What I did was wrong.

I got up and ran out the front door franticly looking for Harry. I saw as his car speed right in front of me going in the direction of the club.

Are you kidding me Harry? Going to get drunk wasn't going to solve all your problems.

I ran back inside and grabed my cell. I dialed Liam's number wanting him so badly to anwser. Thankfully he picked up on the 3rd ring "Hello, Mia?"

I said "Hey Liam, uh can you come over to Harry's flat?"

"Yeah sure babe. Ill be right over." he said

I went upstairs and put on some clothes grabing my leggings and Long knit sweater and scarf. I went into the bathroom and put some mascrea and fondation to cover up the stain marks on my cheeks from all this crying than I let my long brown hair fall down my back in waves.

I ran down the stairs when I heard the knock on the door. I went to open the door and opened it expecting Liam, but no instead it was Harry, a very drunk Harry with a girl falling all over the door frame.

He slurred "I thought-tt you would have craw-wled back to that faggot by now."

I just ignored his comment. I looked over at the girl and brought her Inside "I'm going to call a cab for you okay?" she nodded and layed down on the floor, falling asleep quickly.

I shot back up at Harry "What the hell Harry? You go get wasted and bring a girl back! What the fuck?"

He looked at me with a dumb smirk across his face "Whatever Ammmelia. I don't care, I can do whatever the fuck I want including her." He laughed at his perverted statement. What a child.

I was hoping Liam would show up soon. I couldn't stand to be in the same room with him right now.

Thankfully the taxi showed up and I helped the girl up and out of the house and into the car. She was gone and going home.

I walked back into the flat dreading the night ahead of me. Harry was standing in the kitchen drinking more alochol. I ran over to him " Dammit Harry!" snatching the bottle from his hand. He turned and spit the rest of the vodka that was in his mouth at my face. I couldn't stop my hand from reaching up and slapping him.

Thank god right before Harry was about to say something to me LIam walked right in. Harry turned and scoffed when I walked over to Liam giving him a hug. Liam looked over at me than Harry and said "What happened?" I know he could tell that Harry was drunk and I wasn't happy.

I took the chance to pull Liam aside and explain to him what happend all the way from the beginning of the day. He didn't seemed to be shocked by any of Harry's actions but he did apologize for the way he had treated me.

He took Harry up to his room and I think he tucked him into bed. I heard Liam coming down the stairs so I went over to the couch and put in a movie to watch.

"What are we watching" He said while seating down beside me.

"Uh, Avengers. I love Thor, he is sooooo hot!" I stated. He looked over at me grinning "okay!"

Is it bad that when I look at Liam I feel a bing of excitement? Like I have feeling that there might be more developing between me and him while what was between me and Harry is slowly deteriorating.

but, I do care for Harry very much. If he felt the same way it would kill him to see me develope feelings for his best friend.


Yeah I know, not that great.

this will get better I promise!!!!

Follow @mariesavannah14


~savannah :)

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