Bound to you. chapter 19

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*Mia's POV*

I just sat on my bed leaning my back agianst the headboard I let Harry's voice run through me. I can't move. It's become so diffucult to breath, it's now something I have to tell myself to do. Losing Harry has put me in the state of severe depression I haven't left my room in a few days. I haven't even looked or touched food in the 3 days.

Every time I think of Harry anger rises up in me. He left with no goodbye, not even a single word was said. No final kiss, I had no idea of the state he was in.

Liam woke up two days ago. He didn't remember what happened and I wasn't going to tell him either. Zayn was the one to end up telling him everything even telling him about Harry. Liam hasn't said anything since he was told. Not one word.

I do care about Liam but, I just can't bring myself to say anything to him.

Louis would come into my room in the middle of the night crying. I felt so bad for him, this was his best friend they were like brothers. Louis would come in and just cry into my shoulder than lay down in Harry's bed.

Tomorrow is the funeral and Gemma and Anne and his step dad are coming in. Liam's mate Andy is staying in the house with us right now and Liam's mom and dad are in his flat.

I was debating on going to the funeral. It's so hard for me to go because Harry's family just see me as another girl that Harry dated. I hope I'm more than that.

Early I was searching the room and found a journal that I think belongs to Harry or belonged to..

It was a dark brown leather journal that had a small oval lock on the front. I didn't want to invade Harry's privacy until I saw taped on the back "Mia, I love you. The key is in the dresser beside my bed"

I walked over to the dresser and found the key in his draw. I can't read this right now, I threw the journal and key on my bed.

For the first time in about 4 days I walked out of my bedroom.

**Louis's POV**

I was surprised to hear anything moving upstairs considering that Mia hasn't moved out of her room in about 4 days.

I turned around to see her walking down the stairs silently heading to the kitchen. I hope she eats because she is starting to look thinner and more weak.

I looked at her and instantly felt pain in my chest. She reminds me so much of him and it hurts me to see her. I guess that's why when I'm upset at night I come into her room. She just doesn't feel uncomfortable around me a lot like Harry did.

I just watched her as she got two glasses of water and walked back up the stairs. I think she is going to Liam.

Tomorrow is Harry's funeral. I lay awake at night and wonder if I could have saved him. I could have stayed upstairs with him, he could still be alive if it wasn't for me.

These thoughts are eating me apart. If I was just quicker to get into the bathroom that curly headed boy that I loved so much could still be walking around, laughing, smiling. But he isn't, Harry is gone and tomorrow is my day to say goodbye.

I know all of us will miss him so much but I have always felt a strong brotherly connection with Harry. I'm just going to miss him so much. I had my future planned out so that me and Harry would get married around the same time and start our families.

I remember Harry telling me that he wants a daughter named Darcy and a son named Travis. He also said that he wants his son to be older than his daughter so his son with look over her and protect her. He would have been such a good father and husband.

I will never forgot Harry ever. He was my best friend and no one will ever be able to replace him.


Heyy I'm planning on doing a longer chapter next focusing on Liam and Harry's journal.

So please VOTE and comment guys! :)

My chapters are short I know :(

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