Ch. 9 Secrets...

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Well I guess fair is fair...

Yui and Chizuru turn toward Kiyoko looking at her with a look of confusion and curiosity.

"You have a secret too Kiyoko?" Yui asks. "But I thought you spilled your big secret love for Tanaka yesterday at the party to us."

Kiyoko can't hold back the blush from her face upon hearing his name. "Yeahhhh, about that..."

Chizuru looks like she's going to stare a hole through Kiyoko if she keeps her waiting any longer. "Good Lord! Kiyoko just spill it already the suspense is killing me!"

"Well, um so, last night Tanaka offered to walk me back to my place. Annnnd um I kinda decided to follow y/n's advice so I invited him in to watch a movie." Kiyoko's voice gets smaller and smaller as she explains her big secret.

Chizuru huffs out "That's it? Why are you so worked up about telling us..." she pauses seeing that their is more as Kiyoko continues.

"So um... uh well he uh... wellhekindastayedthenight" Kiyoko quickly rushes the statement out leaving everyone shocked and questioning whether they heard her correctly.

"Um sorry, I'm not sure I heard that last part correctly. Did you say Tanaka stayed the night?" You ask her.

With a brief nod of affirmation, Kiyoko looks like she's going to pass out with how red her face is.

"KIYOKO! Did you and Tanaka... did you guys???" Yui stumbles out in shock, never expecting Kiyoko to get over her shyness so quickly.

Kiyoko waves her arms wildly, quickly explaining "NO NO NO! We didn't do that, he was a complete gentleman. We just um, we just kinda fell asleep on the couch together while we were watching the movie. And...."

"What annd?? And what???" You ask fully invested in Kiyoko's love life which is sooo much less complicated than your own.

"And he um, he cooked me breakfast." Kiyoko finally finishes with a glowing smile gracing her face.

In unison as if rehearsed everyone present sighs out an awwwwe. Kiyoko places her hands to her cheeks as her smile widens further.

"I didn't know Tanaka could cook." Yui chuckles out. "So, anything further going to bloom from this evening and morning you spent together aloooooone?"

"Um, he asked me out for a date next weekend so... um I guess we will see after next weekend? Kiyoko quietly states. "So I guess it's someone else's turn now? Y/n do you want to share now?"

"Yes, it's definitely y/n's turn now." Hitoka still laying sprawled out on the couch mumbles out "I need to hear some details missy, how exactly did you find yourself in Tsukki's bed?"

"Well um, so you guys remember what happened in the kitchen before we took the tequila shots right?" The girls all look to you and nod. "So... not gonna lie... he had me seriously on edge after that, especially after I had fallen in his lap earlier." You silently throw out a prayer to Nishinoya for his over enthusiasm.

"So that's why you left the kitchen after?" Yui asks.

"Yeah, I went to the rest room to try and cool my jets for a minute, splash some water on my face. Well, that's how it was supposed to go at least." You chuckle a little to yourself remembering the encounter. "When I stepped out of the bathroom I didn't even have enough time to process that he was upstairs before he had me pinned against the wall."

"Oooo aggressive. so what happened next?" Chizuru pushes.

"He said something to me that I can't completely remember, something about riding him" you blush after stating this out loud and hearing all the girls giggle "next thing I know I grabbed him and started kissing him and he carried me into his room and locked the door annd I didn't come out till the next morning..."

"Well considering, Tsukki's been looking at you for weeks like he's a starving Tiger and you're fresh meat. None of what you just stated is a shocker." Hitoka giggles out.

You can't hold back the chuckle in response to her statement. "Well the marks he left on me definitely add proof to that statement." You pull back your hair and then slide the hip of your sweats away to reveal a few of the passionate marks Tsukki left on you last night.

"Well dang! So I guess it's safe to say you enjoyed it" Yui states

"I think enjoyed it is an understatement but sure we'll go with that." You laugh, knowing the more accurate statement would be that it was the best sex you had ever had.

"So what was it like?" Chizuru wiggles her eyebrow at you using her hands as a sliding scale to measure size.

"Oh my god, Chi! I'm not telling you that!" You exclaim.

"So, small then? Well at least he knows what to do with it." Chizuru jokes.

"He was anything but small... I'm still sore" you mumble out.

The girls all giggle at your honesty

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The girls all giggle at your honesty. You finally sigh in relief, no longer being the center of attention. Kiyoko comes over and sits next to you, giving you a brief nudge shoulder to shoulder with her "Thanks y/n."

"For what? I didn't do anything."

"For giving me that little nudge I needed. It was easy to hide my feelings as long as no one really knew but when you called me out for lying in the game, I don't know, it's like something changed. So Thank you. Also how could you tell?"

"As one girl hiding to another it was kind of a gut feeling and kind of a hope. Even though Tanaka is quite over the top, you can tell how much of a sweetie he is underneath it all."

"He really is" Kiyoko giggles "I've known him for so long so I've seen so many sides to him, which was why my feelings for him grew. I think I was just afraid to take things any further. That if I did, that ideal image of him would disappear. I didn't want to ruin things, but you were right. If I waited too long... well who knows what could have happened." Kiyoko pulls you in for a brief hug. When she pulls back you return her bright smile.



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