🍋Ch. 33 Moments in time...🍋

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When Kuroo knocks on the hotel room door the next morning, neither you or Tsukki are pleased about having to wake up. After the bath last night sleep came quickly. Wrapped in his embrace, the scent of his skin, the last thing you want is to end this peaceful tranquility you've found. Your mind toys with thoughts of this being how you want to wake up every morning. Being so close, being held by his arms brings a warmth inside your chest.

 Being so close, being held by his arms brings a warmth inside your chest

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'Dammit, I knew this was going to happen... I'm in love with him... I Love Him...'

Try as you might to just live in the moment there was no fighting it any longer, no denying the feelings inside that have grown and blossomed inside you. If it had just stayed the playful, teasing, fun sex that you guys had engaged in the beginning you had foolishly believed you could keep any sort of feelings in check. But something had changed, you are unsure of the catalyst or when exactly you had hit the point of no return but it happened.

Tsukki had been different this trip. He had always been playfully passionate with you, you want to describe it as loving but you're too afraid to attach that word to his actions currently. You couldn't quite put your finger on it; his behavior was definitely more of something than how he normally is. Maybe it would be okay to feel something for him... Maybe he was feeling something too??? Hearing a second knock to the door and then Kuroo's voice you knew you needed to get up.

"Oi! Come on you little nympho's! Time to get up so we can go!" Kuroo raises his voice so you can hear him through the door.

You sit up in the bed, sheets spilling from your naked body to pool at your waist. You reach out running your fingers through Tsukki's hair to gently wake him up.

"Kei.... Kei... we need to get up... Kuroo's banging on the door that it's time to go..." you say in a soft voice.

Tsukki groans wrapping his arms around your waist attempting to bury his face in your lap

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Tsukki groans wrapping his arms around your waist attempting to bury his face in your lap. "Five more minutes..." he says. The vibration of his voice muffled in your lap tickles making you laugh softly.

"As much as I would love another five minutes too, I don't think Kuroo is going to let us." You reason.

You hear voices talking on the other side of the door. The other voice sounding like Bokuto. "Bokuto got a copy of the key to your room... if you don't get up I'm coming in there with a bucket of ice..." Kuroo threatens.

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now