Ch. 24 Tryouts...

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Your week was pretty chaotic with end of the semester projects, papers and studying for finals. The week flew by and before you knew it, it was Friday the day of try-outs.

Your room looked like a clothing tornado touched down. Struggling to decide what to wear and not wanting to look like a job interview but also not wanting to look unprofessional. To say you were anxious was an understatement. You were a nervous wreck, this was what you wanted to do with your life. Making these connections was sometimes vital to getting your foot in the door to work with these big teams. You look up to the sky throwing up a silent thank you to whoever brought Tsukki and his friends into your life.

Just then your phone starts ringing. You can hear it under the mountain of clothing on your bed. Struggling to dig it out you accidental hit accept before seeing who it was. As you pull your phone up you see the camera has activated and Tsukki's face pops up on the screen.

 As you pull your phone up you see the camera has activated and Tsukki's face pops up on the screen

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"Ahhhh!!!" You scream realizing your camera is on and you are currently topless.

"What on earth are you screaming about?" Tsukki laughs.

You carefully peak at your phone keeping your body out of the view of the camera. "I'm not dressed!" You huff out at him.

Tsukki laughs entirely too hard for your liking "Pipsqueak, I have literally scene every square inch of your body... multiple times."

"Sooo! I didn't know if anyone else was in frame when you called me!"

"Fair enough but you can relax, I'm in my room and no one else is here. Why don't you give me a little show there Shortstuff?" Tsukki taunts, licking his lips.

"As much as I would love to accommodate that request, I'm kinda busy at the moment." You snark back at him causing him to laugh.

"I'll have to keep your willingness in mind for the future then. Kuroo asked me to call you to let you know he will be meeting you guys at the training facility a little later." Tsukki explains. "Why exactly are you answering naked anyway? Trying to get me all riled up before I have to take a train ride to go see my family? Now that's just cruel, Shortstuff."

"Yes Kei... that's exactly what I'm trying to do..." you deadpan to him. Your voice dripping with  sarcasm. "No dummy, I'm trying to figure out what to wear. This is important and I don't want to look stupid."

"Too late..." Tsukki snarks. The death glare you give him makes him chuckle. "You know I'm joking Pipsqueak. Just wear normal clothes. No need to get yourself all worked up. Everything will be fine. Especially with Bo and Kuroo being in your corner. Just trust me on this. okay?"

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now