Ch. 40 Aftermath...

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"What's going on?!?" Kiyoko cuts through the crowd of people standing around staring.

"I don't know? Everyone is just standing around like something happened. Let's see if we can find y/n." Hitoka says following after Kiyoko then being forced to an unexpected halt when Kiyoko stopped in her tracks.

"Kuroo??? What are you doing here?" Kiyoko questions then also noticing Bokuto there as well. A sinking feeling settled into her stomach as she examined their expressions. "Wait... where's y/n?"

Kuroo and Bokuto both look off in the distance towards the exit not really knowing what to say. They both felt sad and disappointed, it was hard not to feel guilty in some form with how things played out even though there was no way for them to have predicted this would happen.

Kiyoko grabs Hitoka's hand rushing off towards the exit. When they make it through the doors they see Tsukki standing in place staring at the place where you pulled away in the taxi.

"Tsukki, where's y/n?" Hitoka asks trying to stay calm. Something had to have happened. You wouldn't have just run off for no reason. Tsukki continues to stand there like he never heard a word she was saying.

Kiyoko loses her temper shoving Tsukki. "What did you do? Where did she go? What did you do Tsukishima!"

Tsukki turns towards Kiyoko, barely managing to say that you left in a taxi before going back to staring at the spot you left. His mind replaying the events over and over trying to figure out how he managed to let things get to this state.

"Come on, let's go find her, you drive Kiyoko. I'll call Tadashi and see if she showed up there. She left all her stuff at my place so if she went home she wouldn't be able to get in without her keys." Hitoka says. They rush to their car and head out in search of you.



Tsukishima's could still feel the heat and sting from when you hit him. His thoughts race out of control. As his mind sobered up, the horror of how badly he hurt you with his sharp words hits him.

'How did this happen...'

'Will she ever forgive me...'

'Of course she won't forgive me... god I'm such a fuck up, I don't even deserve her forgiveness!... what is fucking wrong with me!'

He continues to stare at the spot where the taxi you had gotten into pulled away from.

'She's gone... what the fuck did I do?!? She's gone and it's all my fault...'

When Hitoka and Kiyoko shove him angrily he manages to tell them you got in a taxi and left. Tsukki barely registers Kuroo and Bokuto trying to talk to him.

Seeing the state of things Bokuto and Kuroo decide it would be best to get him back home. Their forms are slumped over with hurt for their friend and anger at themselves for letting something like this happen.

"Let's go home Tsukki... there's nothing more we can do right now." Bokuto puts an arm over his shoulder trying to guide him to a taxi to take them back home.

Tsukki refuses to meet either of his friend's eyes, shame at his childish actions. He can't bare to see their pity etched across their faces.

When they arrive back home Kuroo attempts to talk with him to no avail, Tsukki just sullenly walks upstairs to his room slamming the door behind him.

When they arrive back home Kuroo attempts to talk with him to no avail, Tsukki just sullenly walks upstairs to his room slamming the door behind him

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