Ch. 39 Tipping point...

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The rhythm of the music is easy enough to move to but you find yourself struggling to actually get into it. The guy seems nice enough, maybe a little too handsy. It's possible you might have given him a little more of a chance with you if your mind wasn't completely enveloped with thoughts of Tsukki. To you, no one can really measure up. What would it have been like to dance with Tsukki like this? Brief flashes of him flit behind your lids, all the times he's had his hands on you, to tease you, to charm you, to pleasure you.

The sensation of Mr. Stranger's hand moving along your stomach and trying to slide under your shirt pulls you from your thoughts. You grab his sneaking hand maneuvering it back to you waist holding it there. He pulls you a little closer into him leaning over to whisper in your ear.

"You don't have to be so shy honey, I don't bite... unless you want me to."

You groan in annoyance rolling your eyes, he's trying too hard and it just doesn't feel the same as the snarky way Tsukki is with you. You felt like you indulged Mr. Stranger enough, deciding to go look for Kiyoko and Hitoka.

Then it happens. One moment you're dancing, you can feel what's his name's hands on your hips and waist, semi-grinding behind you then he's gone. Wait, not gone... yanked away. The force of the action had actually caused you to stumble a little. Hearing what sounds like some kind of scuffle, you turn towards the sound. You see a brief blur of blond and a fist flying through the air, connecting with the guy's face who had been dancing behind you. Then another blur, all of it happening so fast your eyes barely having the ability to decipher what's happening in your startled and buzzed state.

Everything slows when you meet golden eyes, radiating rage fighting against a force holding him back. You squint for a moment trying to focus in the dim lighting, Kuroo is there behind him holding back by his arms, trying to prevent Tsukki from taking any further swings at the guy who is now hunched over holding his mouth.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, dude?!?" Mr. Stranger questions, tonguing the inside of his mouth and tasting a small amount of blood from his now busted lip.

"Me!? What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" Tsukki yells. "Kuroo, fucking let me go!"

"Not gonna happen buddy, not till you calm down" Kuroo states calmly trying to be a voice of reason. "What are you doing? You're gonna get yourself arrested."

"Kei???" Your small confused voice reaches his ears. Kuroo and Tsukki both turn to look towards you. Kuroo's still holding him back, trying to protect his friend from fucking up any further. If looks could kill you'd probably be dead right now with how venomous Tsukki's glare is.

"I knew you were lying to me. So this is what's been going on? Why you've been avoiding me? What the actual fuck y/n! Why are you with him? Are you seeing him now?!?" Tsukki lashes out a look of betrayal as he questions you.

"What are you talking about Kei? I went out dancing with Kiyoko and Hitoka, I don't even know this guy. We were just dancing." Everything you were stating is the complete truth but the look on Tsukki's face makes it clear how much he trusts your words.

"Tch" Tsukki clicks his tongue at you, the alcohol making him irrational, fueling his anger. "That so? You were just dancing? From the looks of things you might as well have been fucking him on the dance floor..."

"Huh??? Are you being serious Kei?" Your words are laced with hurt and confusion.

His voice is full of venom, his intoxicated state removes any form of rationality or verbal filter he may have had. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised. You barely knew me when you fucked me too. Must be your thing."

Your blood runs cold at his words. You had been hurting before but this was different. It was like he cut out your heart and then proceeded to stomp on it. Hurt and anger fuels your actions, marching up to him you reach back slapping him across the face. The force making his head snap to the side, his glasses flying from his face. The sound reverberating through the bar despite the music still playing.

"FUCK! YOU! TSUKISHIMA! YOU ASSHOLE!" You shout. Angry tears well up, threatening to spill over as you turn and storm away. You hear commotion behind you, hear him call your name, yelling at Kuroo to let him go, yelling for you to wait, but you keep moving, rushing to make your way to the exit. You refuse to let him see you crying.

Reaching the doors of the club the cool night air hits your face chilling the tear tracks on your skin. You feel a hand on your shoulder spinning you around "Y/N..."

"What! What do you fucking want Tsukishima!?! Haven't you hurt me enough? Or do you feel the need to take another shot at me." You shout even angrier now. You just want to be left alone and he can't even do that much.

"I..." Tsukki tries to speak but his hesitation pushes you over the edge. Lashing out much the same as he did in the club.

"You... what? Just spit it out, this is what you wanted right? To just have some fun with me till you're bored. Why do you even fucking care? You made it quite clear we weren't a thing so why the fuck are you following me? What more could you possibly want from me?"

Your hurt and anger at his accusation bubbles up cutting him off before he can speak again. "That you of all people would have the fucking gall to throw an accusation like that at me! You know, not that it's any of your fucking business but I've been with all of three people sexually and you were one of those three. So tell me this, how many women have you been with Tsukishima... ten?... thirty?... fifty?... do you even fucking know? Never once did I judge you or hold that against you. And you have the audacity to imply that I would fuck some random guy in a bar and not just that but to get pissed at me too! I don't know why I am fucking surprised, I must be an asshole magnet or something. Guess that's what I get for thinking you were any different... That maybe, just maybe I fucking meant something to you..." Your voice cracks as tears trickle down your face, clenching your fists. Tsukki reach's out his hand making you jerk back and out of reach. "Don't touch me! I'm done Tsukishima! Fucking done! I don't want to see you again, leave me the hell alone and stay out of my life!" You turn away, walk towards an available taxi then slide into the backseat. Leaving Tsukki to stand alone face full of fear, shock and sadness.

You quickly tell the driver your address then sink into the seat as the tears silently streak down your face.


🥺🥺🥺 You done fucked up now Tsukki, you big dummy 🦖🦖🦖  Tsukki is now in the time out corner. 💔💔💔

As I said before, I'll most likely be rolling the last few chapters out quicker than I have been. So have no fear I won't leave you hanging on the cliffhanger for long.

Love you all my Tsukki Simps!

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