Ch. 37 Avoidance...

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Sleep eludes you, your impending decision heavy in your heart. You stare across your room to the digital clock on your desk. It's red glow mocking you in the darkness. Slowly counting down the minutes you had in the quiet space alone with him. Even with the warmth of his embrace which used to bring you such comfort you can't help but feel cold and broken knowing what had to be done.

It was for the best, you don't think you could take it when he grew bored of your encounters and moved on to the next woman who would warm his bed

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It was for the best, you don't think you could take it when he grew bored of your encounters and moved on to the next woman who would warm his bed. Who knows how strong your feelings would grow to be by that time. You had never anticipated falling for him the way you did so quickly.

Early morning arrives, it's still dark but the smallest rays of light are breaking over the horizon. Knowing if you wait any longer Tsukki may wake up before you manage to leave, you slow extricate yourself from his arms. Sitting at the edge of the bed you glance over at Tsukki. Your throat aches with the force of held back tears. Unbidden a single tear falls from your eye, slipping down your face.

'I can't, I can't do this anymore. It already hurts enough... I can't hang on to this anymore. It's just gonna hurt more down the road. Why did I let myself get attached... Just end things now, I can't let myself fall for him any more than I already have. and if I continue like this I know I will... God! I feel so stupid.'

Clenching your fist against the sheets in determination, you quietly stand wiping away the wetness on your cheek. Swiftly but silently you pack a small overnight bag with a couple changes of clothes and some essentials before slipping out of your room leaving Tsukki there sleeping.

 Swiftly but silently you pack a small overnight bag with a couple changes of clothes and some essentials before slipping out of your room leaving Tsukki there sleeping

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You grab a note pad from your backpack and begin writing a note for him. It takes three tries before you manage to get it all written without tears marring the page which would give away your lie. Each damaged page torn from the note book and shoved in the bag to avoid any evidence.


Sorry I had to leave so suddenly. Family emergency back home and I didn't want to wake you. I'll probably be back in a few days. Just lock up when you leave please


You place the note on the counter before heading out the door locking it behind you.


Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now