Ch. 7 Sunlight Through The Window...

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Sunlight peaking through the blinds, you wake slowly feeling sore but surprisingly comfy and warm. Opening your eyes you're surprised to find yourself snuggled up to Kei's chest with his arms wrapped around you. Your eyes widen remembering back to last night and what happened, resulting in you curled up in the tall megane's arms.

'He fucked me silly that's what... last night really happened...holy fuck...'

You slide away slightly, looking up at Kei's sleeping face. Wanting so badly to reach up and kiss him once again but not wanting to wake him. Brief flashes dance through your memory of after Kei pleased your body so thoroughly. Tender moments that you hadn't expected, the light touches that tickled and the soft kisses before falling into satiated sleep. You can feel the heat in your face as the blood rushes to your cheeks.

'Omg... what do I do... what do I do... ummm shit...this is not some lame ass romcom Y/N you're not gonna wake up in each others arms and live happily ever after...'

Slightly panicked at the possible discussion to come when he wakes up, you gently extricate yourself from his arms. Desperate to avoid any discussion, you quickly but quietly search for your clothing to dress yourself.

'Fuck... where is my underwear... this is so fucking cliché... it would be my luck that my underwear is no where to be found...'

Kei stirs slightly but continues sleeping. Abandoning finding your underwear you dress and sneak out the door. Praying that no one else is awake and that you make it outside without being seen. You quickly find your purse where you left it last night, making sure your cell phone is still inside then stealthily make your way to the front door. Finally, outside you lean against the door and breathe a quick sigh of relief.

Once you have composed yourself you begin walking, enjoying the fresh air to help you clear your head. Pulling out your phone you see the multiple missed calls and text messages from Hitoka.

'Shit I must have worried her...'

But as you see the initial messages of concern of looking for you, the subsequent ones make it clear that she knew where you had disappeared to.

But as you see the initial messages of concern of looking for you, the subsequent ones make it clear that she knew where you had disappeared to

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'Omg... did she really just messaged me that...'

You can't hold back the fit of giggles that fall from your mouth, clutching your phone to your chest, you can't help but appreciate her humor in this moment and love her all the more for covering for you. Once you've calmed your giggle fit, you text Hitoka not wanting to wake her up if she's still sleeping.

 Once you've calmed your giggle fit, you text Hitoka not wanting to wake her up if she's still sleeping

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 'Omg what did I manage to miss out on that is so interesting

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'Omg what did I manage to miss out on that is so interesting... I wonder what else could have happened last night besides me getting laid by a tall hot blond dom... I can tell tonight is going to be a spill session already'


Groaning awake from the slight hang over, Tsukki slowly opens his eyes, hoping to still see your body still next to his. "That sneaky little shit" he laughs and grumbles to himself. He sits up stretching a bit before heading over to his dresser for some clothes. As he gets dressed, he looks around the room at the slight havoc you two caused last night.

'I could have sworn we didn't make this big of a mess...'

But upon further inspection he can tell it's an easy trail from the door to the bed, a mess of clothing and things knocked over on the way there. He starts straightening things up, as he works his way around the room cleaning. Finally getting ready to strip his bed to wash the sheets, a pair of lacy black underwear fall from his sheets.

'Oh this is just perfect... she had to leave commando this morning... thank you for the gift my dear Y/N...'

Tsukki can't seem to wipe the smile off his face even as he leaves his room and heads downstairs to eat and take some medicine to alleviate his headache.

"Hey hey hey, Tsukki-poo where'd you disappear to last night?" Bokuto asks popping up behind Tsukki as he walks towards the kitchen.

"Must you be so loud all the time, Bokuto?"
Tsukki groans grabbing his head.

A deep gravelly voice comes from the door way "I saw a certain girl sneak out the door early this morning. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you Tsukki my man?"

Tsukki turns slowly and stares down Kuroo as if to say 'stop talking now'.

"Oya? Tsukki? And a girl? Do tell" Bokuto attempts to drag the info out of the tall brooding blond.

"I don't know what your talking about..." he replies hoping to be able to keep his growing interest in you a secret from them.

'If they find out they will never shut up about it.'

Of course it would be just his luck for Kuroo to catch on. He was already suspicious before and now thanks to his drunk and horny behavior last night he's all but confirmed Kuroo's assumptions.

"I bet I know who it was," Bokuto starts carefully but showing a small smile. "It was that Y/N girl wasn't it?" Tsukki whips his head in Bo's direction upon hearing your name tumble from his mouth. Bokuto was the last person he expected to notice.

'How the actual fuck does he know... was I really that obvious??? You've got to be kidding me...'

These thoughts race through Tsukki's head as Bo and Kuroo stand side by side chuckling to themselves

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These thoughts race through Tsukki's head as Bo and Kuroo stand side by side chuckling to themselves.

"A little too accurate are we Tsukki?" Kuroo crosses his arms and smirks over at him. Then turns to plate some of the mountain of food he's made and slides it over to Tsukki. "Eat up, I'm sure your hungry"

Tsukki says thank you begrudgingly expecting the minefield of questions as repayment for breakfast only to be surprised when Bokuto and Kuroo swiftly change topics as if the subject had never even come up.

'Whaa... well um that was unexpected. For once I'm not getting the third degree... I'm not letting my guard down... They must be planning something...'


Hey readers 😁 if you like my story please leave an up vote so more people will see it oh and feel free to comment and let me know what you think so far too! 🧡🖤🧡🖤 Thank you!

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