Ch. 2 Him....

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Walking into the athletic building you quickly spot Hinata.
'That orange hair of his sure comes in handy'

"Heeey!" You wave.

"Hey, you made it! I'm really glad you decided to come!" Hinata is buzzing, excited for practice to start. "Follow me, it's this way"

You follow behind Hinata to where his volleyball practice is being held. "Hey guys!!!" His teammates around the gym glance over to the two you.

"Hey, Y/N!" Tanaka says walking up to you.
"Glad you made it Y/N" Nishinoya says not far behind Tanaka.
You wave and as Hinata gestures for you to follow him. He leads you over to a brown haired young man who Hinata was explaining was the team captain.
"Ennoshita, hey, I want you to meet someone."

You and Hinata come to a stop in front of the brown haired male.

"This is Y/N, she's attending school here to be a PT. She really helped me out today" Hinata rambled on explaining what you did for his shoulder today and also explaining why you were here. "I told her it would be fine for her to come by, but I'm sure she would feel more comfortable if you tell her it's okay though since your the captain."

"Geez, Hinata, word vomit enough? You're always so noisy."

You hear a voice coming from behind you. Just by the dry snarky but smooth tone, you could tell whoever was speaking was no stranger to sarcasm. You turn, glancing behind you to see a tall, lean built blond.

"Hey who's bright idea was it to bring an elementary school kid to practice?" The blond continues

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"Hey who's bright idea was it to bring an elementary school kid to practice?" The blond continues.

You stare at the him and point at yourself wordlessly asking if he was referring to you.

"Yeah you short stuff, what are you 12." He replies.

"Oh damn, you're hilarious four eyes." Your tone dry. "I know you can tell I'm not 12 unless you make a habit of checking out 12 year olds."

The blond is surprised by your sass, he rolls his eyes, trying to brush off your comment

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The blond is surprised by your sass, he rolls his eyes, trying to brush off your comment.

Hinata, Tanaka and Noya are laughing their asses off. It's not often someone manages to take Tsukki off guard but this girl managed to do it within seconds of meeting him.

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now